| - A Spirit Armlet is a Bracelet-class hand armor found in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It is bought as an artifact from the armor vendor at Lalivero in the first game and from the general vendor at Loho in the second. As a Bracelet, it can be equipped by Jenna, Ivan, Sheba, and Mia. Its buy value is 9000 coins and its sell value is 6750, its sell value while broken is 4500, and its repair value is 2250.
| - A Spirit Armlet is a Bracelet-class hand armor found in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It is bought as an artifact from the armor vendor at Lalivero in the first game and from the general vendor at Loho in the second. As a Bracelet, it can be equipped by Jenna, Ivan, Sheba, and Mia. Its buy value is 9000 coins and its sell value is 6750, its sell value while broken is 4500, and its repair value is 2250. The Spirit Armlet increases the wearer's base defense by 38, and it increases Venus power and Mercury power by 10 each. In addition, it can be Used as an item during battle by an Adept who is able to equip it (but it does not actually have to be equipped) to emulate the Restore Psynergy and cure an Adept of the Stun, Sleep, Delusion, and Death Curse afflictions. In Golden Sun, it is typically considered the ideal equipment for Mia to wear in her hand-slot by the end of the game, due to having a boost to Mercury power (and an incidental boost to Venus Power, which would be beneficial if she is in the Seer (Mercury) class series). It is equivalent to and very similar to the Virtuous Armlet in that it also increases two elemental powers by 10 (the other two elements of Jupiter and Mars) and is considered the ideal hand-armor for Ivan to wear. In The Lost Age, it becomes available for purchase as soon as the Great Western Sea is accessible, though the fact that Jenna and Sheba might be equipped by items like Aerial Gloves, Leda's Bracelet, and Jester's Armlet make it not useful to purchase as any sort of equipment replacement. When the original party from Golden Sun joins late in the game, though, Spirit Armlet is useful as starting equipment on Mia if it has been transferred over from Golden Sun via Password (and of course, if the original party begins with stock equipment due to not having the proper level of data transfer in effect, then this is a good purchase to place on Mia until further notice).