| - George Orson Welles (May 6, 1915 – October 10, 1985) is generally considered one of Hollywood's greatest directors, as well as a fine actor, broadcaster and screenwriter. His first feature film, Citizen Kane (1941), is universally acknowledged as an important step in the history of cinema and widely cited by critics as among the best films ever made.
- George Orson Welles was an American actor, director, writer and producer who worked in theater, radio and film around YTP World. He was formerly known for be the first human president of Cybertron in the history. Orson is also the founder a of a nameless technology company dedicated to improve Ponies into robots or teach them how to be 20% cooler.
- He slapped shit on a canvas and people praised his genius, after being thrown out of school he was discovered in a basement (where he was seen eating a granola bar and creating drums for his personal use), he crossed the sea to Ireland to dance with some Leps. Other school activities included the Jr. Dictator's League, and the Future Forners' Of America.
- He was one of the Portrayes of Le Chiffre.
- At the time of his The War of the Worlds broadcast, Welles encountered the Eighth Doctor and his companion Charley Pollard and shared an adventure involving a real invasion. (AUDIO: Invaders from Mars) He was also known for acting in other radio programs including The Shadow. (PROSE: The Shadow of Weng-Chiang)
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