| - Pearl Buck, es un autor american ci ia nase en 1892 en Hilsboro, Virginia Ueste. Como enfante, se jenitores ia prende el a Xina do los ia labora como misionores e ia compra un casa en un provinse xines. Ala el ia spende la plu parte de se jovenia, e ia aprende engles en un scola xines. Ancora el ia viaja a America do el studia en Virginia . El ia gania premio Pulitzer e otra premios per se publicis en leteratur. En 1917, Pearl ia sposi John Lossing Buck, ci prende el a Xina. Ma los ia sufri de vive povre e nonfelis. El ia descrive esta en se novela "la bon tera ". El ia viaja con se sposo a SUA ,do el ia fini con esele la studia de leteratur engles. El gania premio per se rexerca " Xina e Ueste " . De se jovenia, el ia ama leje naras varios, como "Aladin e la lampa majios " . El ia gania p
| - Pearl Buck, es un autor american ci ia nase en 1892 en Hilsboro, Virginia Ueste. Como enfante, se jenitores ia prende el a Xina do los ia labora como misionores e ia compra un casa en un provinse xines. Ala el ia spende la plu parte de se jovenia, e ia aprende engles en un scola xines. Ancora el ia viaja a America do el studia en Virginia . El ia gania premio Pulitzer e otra premios per se publicis en leteratur. En 1917, Pearl ia sposi John Lossing Buck, ci prende el a Xina. Ma los ia sufri de vive povre e nonfelis. El ia descrive esta en se novela "la bon tera ". El ia viaja con se sposo a SUA ,do el ia fini con esele la studia de leteratur engles. El gania premio per se rexerca " Xina e Ueste " . De se jovenia, el ia ama leje naras varios, como "Aladin e la lampa majios " . El ia gania premio Nobel per leteratur en 1938 . A su parte de novelas abundante :
* East Wind:West Wind (1930)
* The Good Earth (1931). La Tera bon - se libro plu famosa. La vive dura de fermors de Xina.
* Sons (1932). Fios.
* The Mother (1933)
* A House Divided (1935)
* The House of Earth (1935). La Casa de tera.
* Sons (1933)
* A House Divided (1935)
* This Proud Heart (1938)
* The Patriot (1939)
* Other Gods (1940)
* China Sky (1941)
* Dragon Seed (1942)
* The Promise (1943)
* The Townsman (1945) -- as John Sedges
* Portrait of a Marriage (1945)
* Pavilion of Women (1946)
* The Angry Wife (1947) -- as John Sedges
* Peony (1948)
* The Big Wave (1948)
* A Long Love (1949) -- as John Sedges
* God's Men (1951)
* The Hidden Flower (1952)
* Come, My Beloved (1953)
* Voices in the House (1953) -- as John Sedges
* Imperial Woman (1956)
* Letter from Peking (1957)
* Command the Morning (1959)
* Satan Never Sleeps (1962)
* The Living Reed (1963)
* Death in the Castle (1965)
* The Time Is Noon (1966)
* Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (1967)
* The New Year (1968)
* The Three Daughters of Madame Liang (1969)
* Mandala (1970)
* The Goddess Abides (1972)
* All Under Heaven (1973)
* The Rainbow (1974) Biografias
* The Exile (1936)
* Fighting Angel (1936) Autobiografias
* My Several Worlds (1954)
* A Bridge For Passing (1962) libros de fato( Non-fiction)
* Of Men and Women (1941)
* How It Happens: Talk about the German People, 1914-1933, with Erna Pustau (1947)
* The Child Who Never Grew (1950)
* My Several Worlds (1954)
* For Spacious Skies (1966)
* The People of Japan (1966)
* The Kennedy Women (1970)
* China as I See It (1970)
* The Story Bible (1971)
* Pearl S. Buck's Oriental Cookbook (1972) Naras corta
* The First Wife and Other Stories (1933)
* Today and Forever: Stories of China (1941)
* Twenty-Seven Stories (1943)
* Far and Near: Stories of Japan, China, and America (1949)
* Fourteen Stories (1961)
* Hearts Come Home and Other Stories (1962)
* Stories of China (1964)
* Escape at Midnight and Other Stories (1964)
* The Good Deed and Other Stories of Asia, Past and Present (1969)
* Once Upon a Christmas (1972)
* East and West Stories (1975)
* Secrets of the Heart: Stories (1976)
* The Lovers and Other Stories (1977)
* Mrs. Stoner and the Sea and Other Stories (1978)
* The Woman Who Was Changed and Other Stories (1979)
* The Good Deed (1969) Premios
* Pulitzer Prize for the Novel: The Good Earth (1932)
* William Dean Howells Medal (1935)
* Nobel Prize in Literature (1938)