| - Richard Malcolm Bashir, Jr. was a Human male and father of Julian Bashir.
- Richard Bashir was married to Amsha Bashir, who, together were the parents of Julian Bashir. Richard was something of a dreamer with large goals that he never seemed to accomplish. Around 2348, Richard and Amsha, concerned about their son's great difficulties in school, took Julian to Adigeon Prime to undergo genetic engineering just before his seventh birthday. The treatment was illegal, but Julian's skills were greatly improved afterwards. Julian did not learn what his father had done until 2356, and was not on friendly terms with his father for several years afterward because of this. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")
- thumb|Richard Bashir im Jahr 2373. Richard Bashir ist der Vater des Stationsarzt von Deep Space 9, Julian Bashir. Er ist seit vielen Jahren mit seiner Frau und Julians Mutter Amsha Bashir verheiratet. Er ist früher Shuttlepilot und fliegt viele wichtige Personen, bevor er sich als Architekt auf der Erde niederlässt. Da Julian mit einer möglichen Entlassung aus der Sternenflotte konfrontiert ist, entscheidet sich Richard Bashir die Schuld auf sich zu nehmen um die Position seines Sohnes zu retten. Als Strafmaß wird eine Freiheitsstrafe vereinbart. (DS9: )
- Richard Bashir was a male human and the father of Starfleet officer and Doctor Julian Bashir. He was also the husband of Amsha Bashir. Bashir was an Earth native. He once served as a third-class steward on a shuttle run, but he resigned from the position after a mere six months. Richard eventually found a more successful career in landscape architecture, designing parks and public spaces. He took pride in doing such projects, because he knew they would be enjoyed by thousands of people long after he was gone. He said that it was his legacy and his gift to succeeding generations. (DS9 episode: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume", ST website: Startrek.com)
| - Richard Bashir was married to Amsha Bashir, who, together were the parents of Julian Bashir. Richard was something of a dreamer with large goals that he never seemed to accomplish. Around 2348, Richard and Amsha, concerned about their son's great difficulties in school, took Julian to Adigeon Prime to undergo genetic engineering just before his seventh birthday. The treatment was illegal, but Julian's skills were greatly improved afterwards. Julian did not learn what his father had done until 2356, and was not on friendly terms with his father for several years afterward because of this. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume") In 2351, Richard was a Federation diplomat on Invernia II. He and Julian were once trapped in a remote region by an ionic storm. While they were waiting out the storm, they found an Invernian girl, about Julian's age, who was sick. After the storm cleared, Richard left to get help while Julian stayed with the girl. Unfortunately, he did not return in time and Julian watched the girl die. (DS9: "Melora") He was also once a third-class steward on a shuttle run. He claimed to have resigned from the position after six months, though Julian suggested he may have been fired. By 2373, Richard claimed he had become involved in landscape architecture, designing parks and public spaces. He asserted that he took pride in doing such projects, because he knew they would be enjoyed by thousands of people long after he was gone. He said that it was his legacy; his gift to succeeding generations. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume") That year, Richard and Amsha were invited to Deep Space 9 by Doctor Lewis Zimmerman, who was judging their son's suitability as a template for the Long-term Medical Holographic program. While there, they unwittingly revealed their son's genetic background to Zimmerman, who in turn reported his findings to Starfleet. Richard initially intended to fight the matter in court but later made a deal with Admiral Bennett. In exchange for allowing Julian to remain in Starfleet, Richard plead guilty to charges of illegal genetic engineering of his son and was sentenced to two years in a minimum security penal colony in New Zealand. He predicted he'd certainly have time to work on his architecture designs there. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")
- Richard Bashir was a male human and the father of Starfleet officer and Doctor Julian Bashir. He was also the husband of Amsha Bashir. Bashir was an Earth native. He once served as a third-class steward on a shuttle run, but he resigned from the position after a mere six months. Richard eventually found a more successful career in landscape architecture, designing parks and public spaces. He took pride in doing such projects, because he knew they would be enjoyed by thousands of people long after he was gone. He said that it was his legacy and his gift to succeeding generations. (DS9 episode: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume", ST website: Startrek.com) During Julian's early childhood, his parents became quite concerned about Julian's development, Julian was developing quite slowly compared to other children his age. In approximately 2348, Richard and Amsha had Julian subjected to genetic engineering which involved the resequencing of his DNA and the accelerated growth of neural pathways. This was however highly illegal and would've resulted in Bashir being barred from Starfleet service or practicing medicine if the truth was known. (DS9 episode: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume") Richard was a former Federation diplomat to Invernia II in 2351. He and Julian were once trapped in a cave by a storm with an injured Invernian girl. After the storm passed, Richard left to get help while Julian stayed with the girl. Unfortunately he did not return in time and the girl died. (DS9 episode: "Melora") In 2373, the truth of what they had done was finally revealed. Richard Bashir reached a deal with Admiral Bennett which allowed Julian to retain his medical practice and remain in Starfleet. Bashir pleaded guilty to illegal genetic engineering, and was sentenced to serve two years in the New Zealand Penal Settlement. Bashir was later released in mid-2375. (DS9 episode: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")
- thumb|Richard Bashir im Jahr 2373. Richard Bashir ist der Vater des Stationsarzt von Deep Space 9, Julian Bashir. Er ist seit vielen Jahren mit seiner Frau und Julians Mutter Amsha Bashir verheiratet. Er ist früher Shuttlepilot und fliegt viele wichtige Personen, bevor er sich als Architekt auf der Erde niederlässt. 2351 ist Richard Bashir Diplomat der Föderation auf Invernia II. Sein Sohn Julian Bashir begleitet ihn mit auf dem Planeten. Als sich die beiden in einem entlegenen Gebiet des Planeten befinden, werden sie von einem starken Sturm überrascht. Während die beiden warten, dass sich der Sturm verzieht, finden sie ein krankes invernianisches Mädchen. Nachdem sich der Sturm gelegt hat, versucht Richard Bashir Hilfe zu holen, aber diese kommt für das Mädchen zu spät und sie stirbt. Als Richard Bashir mit Hilfe zurückkommt, sagt einer der Führer, dass sie mit einfachen Kräutern hätte behandeln werden können und so überlebt hätte. (DS9: ) Im Jahr 2373 besucht Richard Bashir zusammen mit seiner Frau Deep Space 9, nachdem ihn Dr. Lewis Zimmerman auf die Station eingeladen hat, da er so viel über Julians Leben herausfinden will. Julian ist nämlich zum Modell des geplanten MHN-Nachfolgers, des MHLs, gewählt worden. Trotz Julians Bitte seine Eltern nicht in die Nachforschungen mit einzubeziehen, befragt Zimmerman diese. Sie haben jedoch zusammen mit Julian ein großes Geheimnis, das herauskommt, als das Ehepaar Bashir mit dem MHL-Testprogramm 1 redet um Probleme zu klären. Ihr Sohn Julian Bashir ist als kleines Kind genetisch verbessert worden, was in der Föderation streng verboten ist. Da Julian mit einer möglichen Entlassung aus der Sternenflotte konfrontiert ist, entscheidet sich Richard Bashir die Schuld auf sich zu nehmen um die Position seines Sohnes zu retten. Als Strafmaß wird eine Freiheitsstrafe vereinbart. (DS9: ) Richard Bashir wurde von Brian George gespielt und von Klaus Jepsen synchronisiert.
- Richard Malcolm Bashir, Jr. was a Human male and father of Julian Bashir.