- The Manta Ray is a sea animal available in FarmVille. It can be purchased from the Market for , rewarding the farmer with File:XP-icon.png experience. When harvested, the Manta Ray yields and every 3 days. The Manta Ray can be placed in an Aquarium where it can be harvested daily for a chance to produce uncommon Mystery Sea Animal babies. These babies can be shared with a farmer's neighbors, but those neighbors will not receive an Manta Ray.
- Manta rays heal 22 hitpoints in one serving and are considered to be among the best foods in RuneScape. They weigh less than tuna potatoes (0.5 kg), yet more than dark crabs (0.3 kg), which both also heal 22 hitpoints in a single serving.
- They are rarely used as food due to the high burn rate and the existence of other foods that heal close to the same amount, but are easier to obtain. Manta rays heal 200 to 2275 life points depending on your Constitution level. variables=skillstat_Constitution_level calchealing| let(base,91) let(hp,skillstat_Constitution_level) if(hp < base){ let(heal,hp*25) }{let(heal,base*25) } let(healing,"Manta ray will heal " + heal + " life points at level "+hp+".")
- The Manta Ray is an enemy from Grandia. It can be found on the Mysterious Vanishing Hill. Manta Rays may appear alongside Mad Frogs and have the ability to cast Bombs Away.
- The Manta Ray is a Nerf blaster that was released in 1996 under the Max Force series. It comes packaged with four Mega Darts.
- The Manta Ray was a boss in the Sparx Realm known as Starfish Reef. Whenever Sparx does enough damage to the Ray, it will turn into smaller rays. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
- Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: Swim 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 12 (-1 size, +3 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+9 Attack: Ram -1 melee* (1d6+1) Full Attack: Ram -1 melee* (1d6+1) Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: - Special Qualities: Low-light vision Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Skills: Listen +7, Spot +6, Swim +10 Feats: Alertness, Endurance Environment: Warm aquatic Organization: Solitary or school (2-5) Challenge Rating: Advancement: 5-6 HD (Medium) Level Adjustment: -
- "Manta Ray" is an Oscar-nominated song from the 2015 documentary Racing Extinction, written and performed by J. Ralph, Antony Hegarty.
- Manta rays were, like jellyfish and the Portuguese man-o'-war, creatures that closely resembled the Oswaft of the ThonBoka nebula. They were broad and streamlined, powerfully winged, sinister in appearance and yet pleasing to look at, and their dorsal surfaces were domed with high muscle. They were described as capable of being identified by "an alien observer in a different place and time." The Confederacy of Independent Systems's Manta droid subfighter presumably took its name and design from the manta ray.
- Manta Rays are animals found in Far Cry 3. Typically found in the oceans around the Rook Islands, they pose no threat to Jason and can be killed, but cannot be skinned. These gentle creatures slowly swim through the water near the ocean floor, foraging for food, so spotting them can be difficult. Like other animals, killing the Manta Ray will update the handbook.
- <default>Manta Ray</default> Species: Type: Length: What it looks like: Location (EO) Location (EO2) Time Forms The Manta Ray is a large, well-known species of ray, one of the many that appear in Endless Ocean and Endless Ocean: Blue World.
- Brave to the point of foolishness, Manta Ray is an intrepid aquatic warrior. Luckily, his prodigious speed gets him out of most scrapes—and when that doesn't work, he has his deadly roto-prop weapon to fall back on!
- File:Manta Ray.png Manta Ray is the 2nd most powerful food on ArteroPk. It heals 22 hp, and it's best spawnable food. It can be obtained through Fishing with level 91 Fishing and then cooking it with level 91 Cooking or spawning it by typing ::item 391.
- A Manta ray is a type of fish that players can use as food. When eaten, the player is healed 22 hits. Manta Rays may be obtained by cooking a raw manta ray with at least level 91 cooking, granting 216.2 cooking experience. Manta rays provide the best healing in RuneScape Classic, but sharks are commonly used instead due to being easier to obtain at the expense of only two hits per bite.
- Manta rays zijn vissen voor members die gevangen kunnen worden met een cooking level van 91. Men zal altijd kans hebben om deze te verbranden, zelfs met 99 cooking en cooking gauntlets zal 23% van de manta rays verbranden. Ze worden niet vaak gebruikt als voedsel, omdat ze snel verbranden en er ander voedsel is dat (bijna) even veel healt, maar makkelijker te verkrijgen is. Manta rays healen 2275 lifepoints in Evolution of combat, en 227 in Legacy Mode.en:Manta ray
- Manta Ray, eli paholaisrauskua kalastetaan troolilla Port Khazardista. Jotta rauskun voi pyydystää, vaaditaan 81. kalastustaso, ja sen paistamiseen vaaditaan 91. kokkaustaso. Rausku parantaa syötynä 220 life pointtia, joten se on siis RuneScapen toiseksi paras kerralla parantava ruoka. 1.
- They are rarely used as food due to the high burn rate and the existence of other foods that heal close to the same amount, but are easier to obtain. Manta rays heal 200 to 2275 life points depending on your Constitution level. The minimum Constitution level to receive the full amount of healing from this food is 91. variables=skillstat_Constitution_level calchealing| let(base,91) let(hp,skillstat_Constitution_level) if(hp < base){ let(heal,hp*25) }{let(heal,base*25) } let(healing,"This will heal " + heal + " life points at level "+hp+".")
- Black Manta is a supervillain who takes his name from the manta ray.
- Manta Ray was a project conducted by the Department of Defense and which was dedicated to creating warships capable of operating without being detected by any kind of radar whatsoever. Unfortunately, the project was later scrapped as it was too costly although the Russian government later expressed some interest in it.
- The manta ray (Manta birostris) is the largest species of the rays. The largest known specimen was more than 7.6 metres (25 ft) across, with a weight of about 2,300 kilograms (5,100 lb). It ranges throughout tropical waters of the world, typically around coral reefs. They have the largest brain-to-body ratio of the sharks, rays and skates (Elasmobranchii).
- It lives in the Great Ocean. It's hunted because its horns shall give the hunter that cut them off luck. When you fight it a battle like the Jhen Mohran awaits you. You're on a Dragon Ship and fight the Manta on the side of it. Like Jhen Mohran you can get on its back where you can set a Anti-Dragon Bomb and carve some times. Unlike the Mohran it doesn't attack from the front but only from the side. That's why the Dragon Ships have its Dragonators on the side not in front. You will find a similar equipment on board like in the Jhen Mohran battle. After this fight the Manta will go to area 2 where the fight is more like the Ceadeus fight in area 3. There are Ballistas and a Dragonator to use. In Rage Mode its upperside color turns from black to bright blue. The weakness is earth, then fire.