| - Before Punch's forced lobotomy: After Punch's forced lobotomy: PERCEPTOR once believed in telling it how it is. A keep observer of the world around him, his powers of perception were incredible – from molecular structures to body language. He wasn't interested in knowledge for its own sake – what could be done with it was far more interesting to him. Traditionally, his main role in the Autobot army had been to study the best ways the Autobots could conquer Earth. He was extremely smart, to the point that he sometimes forgot not everyone could jump from subject to subject as quickly as he could. His disdain for lesser minds meant he seldom cared unless his own life depended on others understanding his short, direct prose. His scientific specialties were metallurgy, molecular chemistry, and
| - Before Punch's forced lobotomy: After Punch's forced lobotomy: PERCEPTOR once believed in telling it how it is. A keep observer of the world around him, his powers of perception were incredible – from molecular structures to body language. He wasn't interested in knowledge for its own sake – what could be done with it was far more interesting to him. Traditionally, his main role in the Autobot army had been to study the best ways the Autobots could conquer Earth. He was extremely smart, to the point that he sometimes forgot not everyone could jump from subject to subject as quickly as he could. His disdain for lesser minds meant he seldom cared unless his own life depended on others understanding his short, direct prose. His scientific specialties were metallurgy, molecular chemistry, and electrical engineering, but he was a bit of a polymath, and excelled in almost every area of scientific study. He was capable of powerful magnification as a microscope. His lens barrel converted into a powerful light cannon. He carried a concussion rifle in robot mode. He was absent minded, often forgetting what he was doing when lost in thought over one scientific problem or another. His lenses were his weakest part. Perceptor's talents have been utilized in the science, medical, and weapons divisions. In the weapon division, Perceptor believed the weaponry used to fight the Decepticons needed to have a personal component to it. To Perceptor, an effective weapon must not just neutralize an opponent, it should inflict the greatest amount of pain possible on its recipient. If a shell can produce thousands of pieces of shrapnel, there's no reason it can't produce tens of thousand pieces of shrapnel. However, since his punishment at the hands of Optimus Prime and Punch, Perceptor has been lobotomized, and now has trouble forming complete sentences.