The series first aired on Japan's WOWOW between February 2, 2004 and May 18, 2004. A series of four English dubbed and subtitled DVDs produced by New Generation Pictures were released in North America and Europe between October 26, 2004 and May 10, 2005 distributed by Geneon. A UMD version of Volume 1 was made available on October 10, 2005. The English dubbed version began airing in the U.S. on Adult Swim on May 28, 2005 followed by an encore airing that began on June 6, 2006. In Canada, it began a run on the digital channel G4TechTV Canada on July 27, 2007, at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT.
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- Paranoia Agent
- Paranoia Agent
| - The series first aired on Japan's WOWOW between February 2, 2004 and May 18, 2004. A series of four English dubbed and subtitled DVDs produced by New Generation Pictures were released in North America and Europe between October 26, 2004 and May 10, 2005 distributed by Geneon. A UMD version of Volume 1 was made available on October 10, 2005. The English dubbed version began airing in the U.S. on Adult Swim on May 28, 2005 followed by an encore airing that began on June 6, 2006. In Canada, it began a run on the digital channel G4TechTV Canada on July 27, 2007, at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT.
- thumb| Paranoia Agent (jap. Mōsō Dairinin) ist eine Anime-Fernsehserie des Studios Madhouse aus dem Jahr 2004.
- thumb Paranoia Agent es un anime producido por Satoshi Kon que trata sobre varios problemas de la sociedad japonesa, enlazados en forma de historia, a través de un asesino serial juvenil a quien llaman "El chico del bate".
- Paranoia Agent 「妄想代理人 Mōsō Dairinin?」 es un anime producido por Satoshi Kon. La serie fue estrenada en Japón en 2004, y consta de 13 capítulos.
- Paranoia Agent (妄想代理人 Mōsō Dairinin) is an anime television series created by director Satoshi Kon and produced by Madhouse about a social phenomenon in Musashino, Tokyo caused by a juvenile serial assailant named Lil' Slugger (the English equivalent to Shōnen Batto, which translates to "Bat Boy"). The plot relays between a large cast of people affected in some way by the phenomenon; usually Lil' Slugger's victims or the detectives assigned to apprehend him. As each character becomes the focus of the story, details are revealed about their secret lives and the truth about Lil' Slugger.
- Paranoia Agent (妄想代理人, Mōsō Dairinin) is a Japanese anime television series created by director Satoshi Kon and produced by Madhouse about a social phenomenon in Musashino, Tokyo caused by a juvenile serial assailant named Lil' Slugger (Shōnen Bat, or Bat Boy in the original Japanese version). The plot relays between a large cast of people affected in some way by the phenomenon; usually Lil' Slugger's victims or the detectives assigned to apprehend him. As each character becomes the focus of the story, details are revealed about their secret lives and the truth about Lil' Slugger.
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| - Horror
- Thriller
- Drama
- Mystery
- Supernatural
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| - Wiki Paranoia Agent es un wiki dedicado a recopilar información de los personajes, episodios, etc. del anime de esta serie.
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wiki name
| - Paranoia Agent Wiki
- Wiki Paranoia Agent
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- Wiki Paranoia Agent
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| - The series first aired on Japan's WOWOW between February 2, 2004 and May 18, 2004. A series of four English dubbed and subtitled DVDs produced by New Generation Pictures were released in North America and Europe between October 26, 2004 and May 10, 2005 distributed by Geneon. A UMD version of Volume 1 was made available on October 10, 2005. The English dubbed version began airing in the U.S. on Adult Swim on May 28, 2005 followed by an encore airing that began on June 6, 2006. In Canada, it began a run on the digital channel G4TechTV Canada on July 27, 2007, at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT.
- thumb| Paranoia Agent (jap. Mōsō Dairinin) ist eine Anime-Fernsehserie des Studios Madhouse aus dem Jahr 2004.
- thumb Paranoia Agent es un anime producido por Satoshi Kon que trata sobre varios problemas de la sociedad japonesa, enlazados en forma de historia, a través de un asesino serial juvenil a quien llaman "El chico del bate".
- Paranoia Agent 「妄想代理人 Mōsō Dairinin?」 es un anime producido por Satoshi Kon. La serie fue estrenada en Japón en 2004, y consta de 13 capítulos.
- Paranoia Agent (妄想代理人, Mōsō Dairinin) is a Japanese anime television series created by director Satoshi Kon and produced by Madhouse about a social phenomenon in Musashino, Tokyo caused by a juvenile serial assailant named Lil' Slugger (Shōnen Bat, or Bat Boy in the original Japanese version). The plot relays between a large cast of people affected in some way by the phenomenon; usually Lil' Slugger's victims or the detectives assigned to apprehend him. As each character becomes the focus of the story, details are revealed about their secret lives and the truth about Lil' Slugger. The series first aired on Japan's WOWOW between February 2, 2004 and May 18, 2004. A series of four English dubbed and subtitled DVDs produced by New Generation Pictures were released in North America and Europe between October 26, 2004 and May 10, 2005 distributed by Geneon. A UMD version of Volume 1 was made available on October 10, 2005. The English dubbed version began airing in the U.S. on Adult Swim on May 28, 2005 followed by an encore airing that began on June 6, 2006. In Canada, it began a run on the digital channel G4TechTV Canada on July 27, 2007, at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT
- Paranoia Agent (妄想代理人 Mōsō Dairinin) is an anime television series created by director Satoshi Kon and produced by Madhouse about a social phenomenon in Musashino, Tokyo caused by a juvenile serial assailant named Lil' Slugger (the English equivalent to Shōnen Batto, which translates to "Bat Boy"). The plot relays between a large cast of people affected in some way by the phenomenon; usually Lil' Slugger's victims or the detectives assigned to apprehend him. As each character becomes the focus of the story, details are revealed about their secret lives and the truth about Lil' Slugger. The series aired on Adult Swim in 2008.