| - Operation: STEEL STEED was an operation undertaken by the Office of Naval Intelligence in the aftermath of the fall of the Boundary Republic in 2559. During and after the invasion, ONI made it a point to capture and detain militia officers, government officials, and personnel with technical skills. After the war, CINCONI Admiral Serin Osman called a meeting regarding what to do with all the captured personnel. It was decided that those personel that were not going to be able to provide the United Nations Space Command with valuable information, but still had the training to be able to start Insurrectionist cells were to be executed. As a result, initially a majority of those chosen to be executed were younger Boundary Republic militia officers, as many of those in high places had information on the workings of the black market or of other Insurrectionist organizations. In 2561, those chosen to be killed were ordered to board a prison ship, the UNSC Starry Night. Taken to deep space, the atmosphere was vented from the vessel, and the bodies were ejected out the airlocks. Over the next six years, once all viable information had been extracted from the captured personnel, they were sent aboard the Starry Night and killed. Despite the deaths of a large number of Boundary Republic personnel, their fates were mysteries to Insurrectionists, and as late as 2610, what had happened to them was still in question. While many Insurrectionists did not completely dismiss the possibility the personnel had been killed, some found it hard to or did not want to believe that so many had been murdered.