The Second Formic War Trilogy, also known as the Second Formic War Series, is a trilogy of novels that describes the events of the Second Invasion, written by Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston. The series currently only consists of the first novel, The Swarm, which was released on August 2, 2016. The second and third installments in the series are estimated to be released in 2017 and 2018, respectively.
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| - Second Formic War Trilogy
| - The Second Formic War Trilogy, also known as the Second Formic War Series, is a trilogy of novels that describes the events of the Second Invasion, written by Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston. The series currently only consists of the first novel, The Swarm, which was released on August 2, 2016. The second and third installments in the series are estimated to be released in 2017 and 2018, respectively.
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| - The Second Formic War Trilogy, also known as the Second Formic War Series, is a trilogy of novels that describes the events of the Second Invasion, written by Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston. The series currently only consists of the first novel, The Swarm, which was released on August 2, 2016. The second and third installments in the series are estimated to be released in 2017 and 2018, respectively.
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