Kaze: Ghost Warrior is an independent, computer animated film featuring anthropomorphic animals as the inhabitants of a distant world. The 22-minute pilot episode, created entirely by Timothy Albee, is intended to be viewed as both the first episode of a projected series, and as a Lightwave technology demo. The film was released in late 2004 on DVD and is available through a private distributor. It has also traversed the globe within numerous film festivals winning awards and recognition along the way and is currently touring the U.K. The second episode of the series is currently in development. A touched-up re-release of the pilot is also planned and would include such polishing touches as tails for the characters, a voice for Utsukushii, and "an in-depth scene between Kaze and his father
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| - Kaze: Ghost Warrior is an independent, computer animated film featuring anthropomorphic animals as the inhabitants of a distant world. The 22-minute pilot episode, created entirely by Timothy Albee, is intended to be viewed as both the first episode of a projected series, and as a Lightwave technology demo. The film was released in late 2004 on DVD and is available through a private distributor. It has also traversed the globe within numerous film festivals winning awards and recognition along the way and is currently touring the U.K. The second episode of the series is currently in development. A touched-up re-release of the pilot is also planned and would include such polishing touches as tails for the characters, a voice for Utsukushii, and "an in-depth scene between Kaze and his father
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| - Kaze: Ghost Warrior is an independent, computer animated film featuring anthropomorphic animals as the inhabitants of a distant world. The 22-minute pilot episode, created entirely by Timothy Albee, is intended to be viewed as both the first episode of a projected series, and as a Lightwave technology demo. The film was released in late 2004 on DVD and is available through a private distributor. It has also traversed the globe within numerous film festivals winning awards and recognition along the way and is currently touring the U.K. The second episode of the series is currently in development. A touched-up re-release of the pilot is also planned and would include such polishing touches as tails for the characters, a voice for Utsukushii, and "an in-depth scene between Kaze and his father talking about Kaze's disappearance and return."