| - Standing at a mere 163 centimeters and weighing in at 60 kilograms, Sanka doesn't strike a very imposing sense. Physically he is extremely fit, as expected of a jonin of Konohagakure and a member of the main house of the clan. If you were expecting his bare form, you'd notice a well defined, albeit slim musculature. This is because he has a lean, wiry strength, not an extremely large and bulky type like most people tended to be. While he is fairly strong, his strength pales in comparison to most taijutsu specialists, being merely above average.
| - Standing at a mere 163 centimeters and weighing in at 60 kilograms, Sanka doesn't strike a very imposing sense. Physically he is extremely fit, as expected of a jonin of Konohagakure and a member of the main house of the clan. If you were expecting his bare form, you'd notice a well defined, albeit slim musculature. This is because he has a lean, wiry strength, not an extremely large and bulky type like most people tended to be. While he is fairly strong, his strength pales in comparison to most taijutsu specialists, being merely above average. He has several scars on his body from various missions, the longest one being a slit on his stomach going between the lower and middle abs, it stretches to around a foot in length, having been earned when a border skirmish with kumo got dicey, a jonin from there having almost bisected him during his chunin days. The attack hadn't been that severe, but it left quite a scar on his form. The other really noticeable scar is on his left thigh, it's a big splotchy scar on each side of the leg, occurring when a rock spike went through it during a round of combat with an iwa shinobi before that village fell. Looking past his body, he dresses fairly professionally, although un-ninija like. He mainly wears a collared shirt over long dark pants. The color combinations change, but his usual style stays the same each time. During his time in konohagakure he generally wore a standard issue flack jacket. He'd wear his headband around his left forearm, where it was incorporated into a bracer, leaving his forehead unbound, a symbol of bride for the hyuga. It served a double function, not limiting movement, while also allowing him some extra protection. Once he left the service of the village hidden in the leaves, an event that still haunts him to this day, he wore a modified black duster, hiding his body in a cloak similar to the cloaks worn by the akatsuki, though without the red cloud patterning. Underneath he still wears a konoha flak jacket, though with spaulders attached to his upper arms and painted a dark purple now. He keeps his headband squirreled away in a scroll he keeps, not willing to advertise his past allegiances.