| - Given this series was originally scheduled for airing in 2010, this is rather obvious, but it bears stating. It would account for things like Po being so foolish at times and how Tigress is warming up to the Panda to begin the Ship Tease.
* Not so sure. In KP 2, Mantis mentioned never having a girlfriend. In the show, Mantis is currently dating a butterfly.
* Well, a butterfly is not likely to eat his head, maybe he partially reverted to a primal state of mind considering the stress of that moment, being chained by Lord Shen.
* Did he actually say "I never had a girlfriend" or did he say something to the effect of "I never settled down and got my head eaten"? There is quite a difference between the two.
* It was revealed in Hometown Hero that Mantis had a fiancee when he was younger. Discontinuity?
* Quote from the movie: "Honestly, guys, I never thought I'd die like this. I always thought I'd meet a nice girl and settle down, and then she'd eat my head. So sad..." Having a fiancee in his youth or currently dating a butterfly doesn't rule out him being single again by the time the second movie takes place.
* Confirmed. Challenge Day reveals that Po has only been Dragon Warrior for 100 days as of that episode. If the Fan Wank is to be believed, there is more than a decade between KFP 1 and KFP 2.