| - Question Anir Aznag about the victim. Carmen: So, you’re Anir Aznag, the leader of the Najwa, a nomadic tribe. Carmen: You found a dead American in your camp, but claim to know nothing about the murder. Tell us how you knew Mr Barnes! Anir: Barnes just walked into our camp one night. We thought he got lost in the desert, so we invited him for dinner. Anir: It’s the Najwa tradition to treat visitors generously. Other tribes are less accommodating! Carmen: Don’t take this the wrong way, Anir, but if you’re so hospitable, how did Barnes end up dead in your camp? Anir: I swear, , I wished Barnes no harm, and nor did any of my people! I vouch for every last one of them! Carmen: Alright, tell us about the night Barnes dined with the Najwa. What did you talk about? Anir: Barnes said he c
| - Question Anir Aznag about the victim. Carmen: So, you’re Anir Aznag, the leader of the Najwa, a nomadic tribe. Carmen: You found a dead American in your camp, but claim to know nothing about the murder. Tell us how you knew Mr Barnes! Anir: Barnes just walked into our camp one night. We thought he got lost in the desert, so we invited him for dinner. Anir: It’s the Najwa tradition to treat visitors generously. Other tribes are less accommodating! Carmen: Don’t take this the wrong way, Anir, but if you’re so hospitable, how did Barnes end up dead in your camp? Anir: I swear, , I wished Barnes no harm, and nor did any of my people! I vouch for every last one of them! Carmen: Alright, tell us about the night Barnes dined with the Najwa. What did you talk about? Anir: Barnes said he came to the Sahara on business. He was the CEO of an American company called SandOil. That big refinery not far from here. Carmen: That’s a start! Thank you, Anir. , let’s check out that refinery! Investigate Oil Refinery. Carmen: So this is the refinery where Barnes was CEO. Impressive! An industrial plant so deep in the desert! Carmen: And what’s that poster with the victim’s picture? A fire safety notice? Carmen: There’s some faded writing next to the victim’s picture – let’s make it legible! Carmen: And that torn paper’s worth restoring, I agree. If the victim ran this place, anything could be a clue! Examine Woman’s Face. Carmen: So, the woman in the article is Izzah Farid. 27 years old, clean criminal record. Her husband was one of the oil workers who died in the accident. Carmen: Are you sure this Izzah Farid is useful to us, ? Looks like a poor local woman who’s already been through a horrible ordeal… Carmen: Good point, : we know so little about how people live in the Sahara. At least Izzah can tell us about life around the refinery. Let’s question her! Talk to Izzah Farid about the accident at the oil refinery. Carmen: Sorry to trouble you, Izzah, but we’re investigating the murder of a SandOil executive. We know your husband worked at the refinery. Izzah: My husband died in the explosion with 16 others! I knew them all, they were like family! Izzah: And now you hassle me for some rich businessman’s demise? Should I feel sorry for him? Izzah: SandOil’s the real murderer, ! Management only wants profit, but treats local workers like slaves! Carmen: What about the CEO, Barnes? Have you ever met him, Izzah? Izzah: You think an American manager would talk to the victims’ families, ? Perhaps offer a personal apology? Hah! SandOil only sent Barnes here to hire new workers! Izzah: SandOil promised us jobs and progress, but it brought only misery. For all I care, the desert can swallow up the refinery tomorrow! Examine Electronic Device. Carmen: Well done decoding the device you found in the Najwa clay pot. Let’s send it to Elliot! Analyze Unlocked Device. Elliot: Hello, . The gadget you found in the Najwa camp is a personal tracking device. It was used to monitor the victim. Elliot: The bad news is that I couldn’t download any data from the device – the files self-destructed after transmission! Carmen: So, we don’t know who was tracking Barnes? Well, it’s useful as a chocolate fireguard, then! Elliot: Who do you take me for, Carmen? In all of five minutes, I hijacked a Russian GPS satellite, and downloaded the tracker’s data from it. Elliot: The victim was tracked by someone called Jonah Karam! ’s already met him, he’s a- Carmen: Jonah Karam? Of course! This has Jonah written all over it! I should have guessed! Elliot: What? You know him, too? Carmen: I met Jonah years ago. He was a useful field contact, back when I was a war reporter. Carmen: Jonah’s a little rough around the edges, but he’ll help us, . I can’t wait to talk to him again! Ask Jonah Karam why he was tracking the victim. Jonah: Long time no see, Carmen! So you’ve ditched your camera to work for the Bureau! Atta girl! Carmen: And you’re still a freelance troublemaker! says your mug shots are all over our office! Carmen: Here’s a chance to redeem yourself: give us the lowdown on Barnes! Why were you following him? Jonah: Barnes hired me to be his bodyguard. Man, was he the worst client ever! Rich, ignorant, never traveled. He thought the Sahara was just like Manhattan, but with sand! Jonah: I had to put that tracker on him, pretending it was an expensive watch – it was the only way to keep Barnes safe! Carmen: Well, it clearly didn’t work – he’s dead! Jonah: I couldn’t protect him against his own stupidity! Barnes regularly wandered off into the desert, behind my back. That’s why I wasn’t with him! Carmen: Well, Jonah… try to lay low until this investigation’s over. You’re an old friend – but cross and the Bureau will come after you! Autopsy Victim's Body. Angela: Hello, ! Angela: I’ve enrolled in an online photography course! I’ll take pictures everywhere we go! Angela: Of course, if you keep sending me dead bodies, I may never get out of the morgue! Angela: Let’s see: Donald Barnes, male, aged 53. Upper body partially burnt, as he was found half roasted on the campfire. But that’s not what killed him. Angela: It’s clear from the bruises on the neck that the victim was first strangled with a rope, then tossed on the fire. Fairly straightforward! Carmen: There’s nothing straightforward about a dead American in a nomadic camp… this could be the work of someone with a political agenda! Angela: Well, here’s a detail that might help: the bruising suggests the rope was tied around the victim’s neck with a special knot. Angela: This type of knot is used by Saharan camel riders! It’s how they fasten the harness around the camel’s head! Carmen: So the killer used the rope on the victim as if he’d bridled a camel! Interesting… in a sadistic way. Carmen: Alright, … let’s show this killer who knows the ropes best in this desert!