Adam Ironknife, codename Stormwolf, is leader of the Wild Pack. Adam is a handsome 6’ 2” tall Native American, and Ayla considers him "the straightest straight arrow since the first Champion". At some point Hekate tried to turn him into a monster wolf, but her spell, which among other things required a substantial sacrifice to a minor demon, failed without any apparent effect on him and destroyed a valuable spellbook in the backlash. He is of the Ute tribe, and is member of the Native American group The Nations, but until recently hasn't attended meetings because they are boring.
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- Stormwolf
- Stormwolf
| - Adam Ironknife, codename Stormwolf, is leader of the Wild Pack. Adam is a handsome 6’ 2” tall Native American, and Ayla considers him "the straightest straight arrow since the first Champion". At some point Hekate tried to turn him into a monster wolf, but her spell, which among other things required a substantial sacrifice to a minor demon, failed without any apparent effect on him and destroyed a valuable spellbook in the backlash. He is of the Ute tribe, and is member of the Native American group The Nations, but until recently hasn't attended meetings because they are boring.
- The Stormwolf combines breathtaking speed with the freedom of altitude, swiftly closing in on its prey before setting loose a deadly cargo of Space Wolf Astartes or Terminators amongst the enemy, and then bringing to bear sufficient firepower to ensure their landing is uncontested, while providing the necessary fire support afterwards. Even during adverse atmospheric conditions, the mission is taken without complaint. Any damage taken is shrugged off as inconsequential as the Iron Priests guide their craft in to the landing zone safely even with engines aflame and weapon systems destroyed. Enemy craft never fare so well –- those that dare try to bar the Stormwolves' path discover that despite their role as armoured transports, these hulking gunboats pack a devastating punch. As each such f
- } <default><b>Nombre</b></default> Puntos de Poder Otros perfiles[/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] [/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] Stormwolf M HA HP F R H A L S Oficial M HA HP F R H A L S Equipo Armas Bólter Pistola bólter Bólter de asalto Granada Frag Granada Perforante Espada sierra Espada de energía Puño de combate Arma 1 Arma 2 Arma 3 Arma 4 Arma 5 Arma 6 Arma 7 Arma 8 Arma 9 Arma 10 <default><b>Reglas</b></default> Tipo de unidad Miniaturas adicionales Tamaño de unidad Opciones Habilidades Psíquico Reglas especiales Keywords de Facción Keywords de Unidad
| - Una Stormwolf puede transportar 16 miniaturas de INFANTERÍA de los LOBOS ESPACIALES. Cada EXTERMINADOR, RETRORREACTOR o Wulfen ocupa el espacio de dos miniaturas de INFANTERÍA. No puede transportar miniaturas de PRIMARIS.
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| - *Estrellarse y arder: Si ésta miniatura queda con 0 heridas restantes, lanza un D6 antes de retirarla del campo de batalla y antes que cualquier miniatura en su interior sea desembarcada. Si el resultado es 6, la nave se estrella en una terrible explosión y cada unidad a una distancia de 6" o menos sufre D6 heridas mortales.
*Deslizamiento: Antes que ésta miniatura mueva en tu fase de Movimiento, puedes declarar que se deslizará. Su característica de Movimiento se convertirá entonces en 20" hasta el final de la fase, y pierde la habilidad Nacido del Aire, Difícil de Impactar y Supersónico hasta el principio de tu siguiente fase de Movimiento.
Poder del Espíritu Máquina: Esta miniatura puede mover y disparar Armas Pesadas sin sufrir penalizador en sus tiradas de impactar.
*Nacido del Aire: Esta miniatura no puede cargar, sólo puede ser cargada por unidades que pueden Volar, y sólo puede atacar o ser atacada en la fase de Vuelo por unidades que pueden Volar.
*Difícil de impactar: Tu contrincante debe restar uno a las tiradas de impactar cuyo objetivo sea ésta miniatura a lo largo de su fase de disparo.
*Supersónico: Cada vez que ésta miniatura mueva, puede pivotar hasta 90° , y entonces moverse hacia delante. Nótese que no puede volver a pivotar tras ésta primera vez. Cuando ésta miniatura Avance, incrementa su caracterísitca de Movimiento hasta 20" hasta el final de la fase - no tires ningún dado.
| - *Esta miniatura puede reemplazar sus bólteres pesados acoplados con dos multifusiones acoplados o un lanzamisiles martillo celestial.
*Algunas de las características de ésta miniatura cambian si sufre daños, ver la tabla asociada.
| - Lanzamisiles Martillo Celestial: 60" / Pesada 3 / F7 / FP-1 / D3
Suma 1 a las tiradas para impactar hechas para éste arma contra objetivos que pueden Volar. Resta 1 a las tiradas para impactar hechas por éste arma contra cualquier otro objetivo.
- Cañón Láser: 48" / Pesada 1 / F9 / FP-3 / D6
- Bolter Pesado Acoplado: 36" / Pesada 6 / F5 / FP-1 / D1
- Cañón Helfrost acoplado :
*Rayo Disperso 24" / Pesada 2D3 / F6 / FP-2 / D1
*Rayo Concentrado 24" / Pesada 2 / F8 / FP-4 / D6
- Multifusión acoplado: 24" / Pesada 2 / F8 / FP-4 / D6
Si el objetivo está a mitad de alcance de éste arma, lanza dos dados cuando inflijas daño y descarta el resultado más bajo.
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| - Breakcore
- Drum and Bass
- Chiptune
- Electro
- Eurobeat
- Orchestral
- J-Dance
| - Una Stormwolf es una única miniatura armada con dos cañones láser, dos bólteres pesados acoplados y un cañón helfrost acoplado.
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| - Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Lobos Espaciales
| - Vehículo, Transporte, Volador, Stormwolf
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| - The Stormwolf combines breathtaking speed with the freedom of altitude, swiftly closing in on its prey before setting loose a deadly cargo of Space Wolf Astartes or Terminators amongst the enemy, and then bringing to bear sufficient firepower to ensure their landing is uncontested, while providing the necessary fire support afterwards. Even during adverse atmospheric conditions, the mission is taken without complaint. Any damage taken is shrugged off as inconsequential as the Iron Priests guide their craft in to the landing zone safely even with engines aflame and weapon systems destroyed. Enemy craft never fare so well –- those that dare try to bar the Stormwolves' path discover that despite their role as armoured transports, these hulking gunboats pack a devastating punch. As each such foe plunges away in flames, the Iron Priests raise a victorious howl, their cry echoed by their battle-hungry passengers. The wolf's head silhouette of the Stormwolf strikes fear into the hearts of any enemy that faces the Sons of Russ, for the presence of such a craft could only signal the imminent arrival of some of the deadliest warriors in the Imperium. Such foreboding is not without good cause, for the Stormwolf is the favoured transport of the Blood Claws, bloodthirsty Space Wolves warriors who are renowned for not holding back once committed to battle.
- Adam Ironknife, codename Stormwolf, is leader of the Wild Pack. Adam is a handsome 6’ 2” tall Native American, and Ayla considers him "the straightest straight arrow since the first Champion". At some point Hekate tried to turn him into a monster wolf, but her spell, which among other things required a substantial sacrifice to a minor demon, failed without any apparent effect on him and destroyed a valuable spellbook in the backlash. He is of the Ute tribe, and is member of the Native American group The Nations, but until recently hasn't attended meetings because they are boring.
- } <default><b>Nombre</b></default> Puntos de Poder Otros perfiles[/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] [/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] Stormwolf M HA HP F R H A L S Oficial M HA HP F R H A L S Equipo Armas Bólter Pistola bólter Bólter de asalto Granada Frag Granada Perforante Espada sierra Espada de energía Puño de combate Arma 1 Arma 2 Arma 3 Arma 4 Arma 5 Arma 6 Arma 7 Arma 8 Arma 9 Arma 10 <default><b>Reglas</b></default> Tipo de unidad Miniaturas adicionales Tamaño de unidad Opciones Habilidades Psíquico Reglas especiales Keywords de Facción Keywords de Unidad La Stormwolf es una aeronave de transporte y asalto del Capítulo de los Lobos Espaciales.
is Musician
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