The Staff is the weakest of the staves, with 6 attack and a critical rate of 3. All jobs but the Thief can equip it. It can be bought in Cornelia, found in the Cavern of Earth and Mount Gulg, and dropped by Zombies.
The Staff is the weakest of the staves, with 6 attack and a critical rate of 3. All jobs but the Thief can equip it. It can be bought in Cornelia, found in the Cavern of Earth and Mount Gulg, and dropped by Zombies.
The Staff is the weakest of the staves, with 6 attack and a critical rate of 3. All jobs but the Thief can equip it. It can be bought in Cornelia, found in the Cavern of Earth and Mount Gulg, and dropped by Zombies.