| - Draylon II was a class M planet in the Alpha Quadrant, near Sefalla Prime and not far from Bajor. In 2370, three million Skrreea refugees from the Gamma Quadrant were settled on Draylon II after the Bajoran Provisional Government denied them permission to settle on their world, which the Skrreea believed to be their mythical promised land, Kentanna. (DS9 episode: "Sanctuary") Sociologist Meron Byxthar visited the Skrreean communes set up on Draylon II at some point prior to 2381. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)
- Draylon II è un pianeta di classe M, disabitato ed adatto per la colonizzazione. Ha un'orbita stabile, clima temperato e un basso livello di radiazioni alla superficie. È ubicato vicino a Sefalla Primo.
- thumb|Draylon II Draylon II ist ein Klasse M Planet, unbewohnt und geeignet zur Kolonisierung. Er hat einen stabilen Orbit, mäßiges Klima, sehr niedrige Oberflächenstrahlung und ist in der Nähe von Sefalla Prime.
- Draylon II was the inhabited second planet in its star system. The system was near Sefalla Prime. This uninhabited M-class planet was colonized in 2370 by the Skrreea. Draylon II had a stable orbit, temperate climate, and very low surface radiation. In addition, this world had good soil for farming, a long growing season and mild winters.
| - Draylon II was the inhabited second planet in its star system. The system was near Sefalla Prime. This uninhabited M-class planet was colonized in 2370 by the Skrreea. Draylon II had a stable orbit, temperate climate, and very low surface radiation. In addition, this world had good soil for farming, a long growing season and mild winters. When the Skrreea came through the Bajoran wormhole in 2370 and believed Bajor to be Kentanna, their mythical sanctuary, the Bajoran Provisional Government was forced to turn them away because Bajor was struggling to provide for its own people, let alone an additional three million Skrreea. Commander Benjamin Sisko of Starfleet and Major Kira Nerys of the Bajoran Militia suggested Draylon II as an alternative, but the Skrreea initially refused. However, after one of them, Tumak, was killed while attempting to land on Bajor forcefully, they reluctantly accepted the offer to settle on Draylon II. (DS9: "Sanctuary") According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 47) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Draylon system was located in the Alpha Quadrant. This was a binary system with a pair of G-class stars. By 2378, Draylon II had been renamed to New Kentanna. In the late 24th century, it was an independent system. According to StarTrek.com, this planet was located in the Bajor sector, in the Alpha Quadrant.
- Draylon II was a class M planet in the Alpha Quadrant, near Sefalla Prime and not far from Bajor. In 2370, three million Skrreea refugees from the Gamma Quadrant were settled on Draylon II after the Bajoran Provisional Government denied them permission to settle on their world, which the Skrreea believed to be their mythical promised land, Kentanna. (DS9 episode: "Sanctuary") Sociologist Meron Byxthar visited the Skrreean communes set up on Draylon II at some point prior to 2381. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)
- thumb|Draylon II Draylon II ist ein Klasse M Planet, unbewohnt und geeignet zur Kolonisierung. Er hat einen stabilen Orbit, mäßiges Klima, sehr niedrige Oberflächenstrahlung und ist in der Nähe von Sefalla Prime. Als die Skrreea durch das bajoranische Wurmloch reisen und glauben, dass Bajor ihr sogenanntes Kentanna, ein Planet, der in ihrer Legende ihre neue Heimatwelt werden soll, ist, ist die bajoranische provisorische Regierung dazu gezwungen sie fort zu schicken. Commander Benjamin Sisko der Sternenflotte und Major Kira Nerys schlagen Draylon II als Alternative vor, aber die Skrreea lehnen zunächst ab; allerdings müssen sich 3 Millionen Skrreea am Ende doch auf Draylon II ansiedeln. (DS9: ) Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planetensystems mit der Bezeichnung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planetensystems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigennamen nach dem dazugehörigen Zentralgestirn zu benennen. Kategorie:Planet
- Draylon II è un pianeta di classe M, disabitato ed adatto per la colonizzazione. Ha un'orbita stabile, clima temperato e un basso livello di radiazioni alla superficie. È ubicato vicino a Sefalla Primo. Quando gli Skrreea viaggiarono attraverso il tunnel spaziale bajoriano credettero che Bajor fosse Kentanna il loro mondo promesso ma il governo provvisorio bajoriano li costrinse ad andarsene. Il comandante Benjamin Sisko della Flotta Stellare e il maggiore Kira Nerys della Milizia Bajoriana proposero come alternativa Draylon II ma gli Skrreea si opposero; tuttavia alla fine, essi furono costretti a stabilirsi lì. Tre milioni di Skrreea si trasferirono su Draylon II. (DS9: "La terra promessa")