Attributes | Values |
| - Kingdom Hearts Wiki talk:Votes for Featured Users/Archive 2
| - You guys aren't understanding. Did you read my post at all? None of this has to do with Roxas. This discussion could be about any month. Stop defending Roxas because he's Roxas. It's like defending a child molester because he gave you candy.
We're trying to say that being a wiki-princess shouldn't merit being a Featured User. And to you guys saying He's helped most of the users on this wiki, and that helps this wiki, if not just as much than damn sure close, as editing the mainspace., no. you are wrong. Most of the users Roxas converses with are also wiki-princesses.
Gah. Gah. GAH GAH GAH!
You guys...just don't get it at all! We don't hate Roxas. Nobody said his edits were useless. Dammit! Did any of you read my post at all? All I'm saying is that he's not Featured User material. Not that he's a bad user, dammit, he's not featured user material.
User talk:RoxasXIIILK
The bottom. Dark-EnigmaXIII, As If, and RoxasNobody. You guys are pissing me off. Why are you coming to his aid like this? This isn't a fight. Gah, I don't even know how to voice my feelings right now. I guess what I'm trying to say is that nothing is wrong with Roxas. He just doesn't make the kind of edits we are trying to promote.
But whatever. I'm through. If you guys, myself included, make such a big-shebang out of this, it's too far gone for me. If Roxas wins? Yay, good for him, sugar and rainbows. If now? Yay, sugar and rainbows. But no Crono. Not either way. I'm through with this.
Excuse me while I go edit without expecting rewards from now on. Have fun, and sorry for that outburst.
I am not a crook.
| - I sorta get the idea, though I wonder if I can scratch up something with the new Paint. I'll see what I can do...
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| - As do I, though I agree to it without any bias.
- I see where you're coming from, but in my view, Featured User is meant to promote and reward a use for helping and benefiting the wiki, and as a principle, should follow all unspoken guidelines for a good user. Now, let's think about the main purpose of a wiki here. The point of a wiki, even the slogan, is A free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
Now, it's a free encyclopedia. Have you ever seen an encyclopedia where people get credited and acknowledged for talking? For helping the people? It's like dedicating a movie to the intern who gets you coffee everyday. It just doesn't happen.
No, simile aside, think of the wiki. Do we want to reward people for helping the wiki and editing, generally being useful? Or do we want to put the wiki-princess on a silver platter, and therefore encourage users - new and old - that this is model behavior? Remember, if you will, that this wiki is about Kingdom Hearts, a game series aimed at children. Children are impressionable and easy to manipulate/influence. If they see Roxas as the Featured User, they'll think this is okay. They'll think this is what we want, not ever editing and just talking. Is that what we want? No. No, it's not.
Some of you reading this may think this is a personal attack against Roxas. No, it is not, by any means. Roxas is great, he's a great guy. I don't hate the player, I hate the game. It's not Roxas I have a problem with, it's his behavior. Thank you for reading.
| - --03-01
- I say we wait for a month or so see if the community returns to almost former strength and then do it because theres no real point in doing it at the moment
- Scroll up the page, Lego previously suggested "Million Dreams Award", which I, personally, am very partial to.
- I nominate The Dark Master. He is great at making edits, and very nice. He never vandalizes or violates the rules of this this wikia.
- I say we get a forum open now to discuss what we need to do to help this place get back on its feet and draw more user's into helping out on it, also if we are going to make it more fan based I believe there are still some issues that need to be discussed about it. over all I agree what Roxas is saying
- what are we going to do about this months featured user, seeing as there are maybe 5 regulars here at the minute. just wondering
- But what's to be done about Roxas's nomination? Removing all of his votes, in my opinion, does seem a little heartless, though I must agree that he isn't exactly FU material.
- If, as a quite new user, my opinion matters, I must second what LapisScarab has said. You all have good points, but he is still a user worth being freatures. Have any of you been helped by him? If so, you would have known that he does the work of an editer much more pleasant, even being a company to many of them. I dont really care about that of a "WikiPrincesses". What if he is? He is still getting more votes than any other candidates. And, what is the point of voting in the first place, if now you guys are complaning about who are we voting for? I dont meant to be rude, nor I disrespect the hard work that Chitalian, SilverCrono, and The Inexistent did. I fact, I admire that. But the voting is "Featured user", not "Featured user for collaborating in the main-space. And his "activities" have a reason to be featured. Why? Because the ones who voted for him know how helpfull to everyone he is. To be "featured" is to be "distinguished" for somenthing. And he can be distinguished for being somenthing most of us editors somentimes dont look like: Humans.
- agreed.
- Well, he has not helped most of the users, for one thing, he's a relatively new user, before Roxas, there was JFHavoc. Back to the point, aside from his excellent talk bubble and image skills, he does not help people do much that is constructive for the actual wiki. Please forgive me, Roxas, if I'm coming off harsh.
- This is mainly in response to a comment Erry made in his vote, but it's not directed at him exclusively; it should apply to everyone. All of the users nominated right now are completely eligible to be nominated. RoxasXIIILK's edits are just as legitimate as Crono, Inexistent, and Chitalian's. Votes should mention something positive about the person you want to vote for, not suggest that the other candidates are inferior. If you'd care to read the nomination guidelines above, you'd see that the critera are 1) Hardworking, 2) No vandals, and 3) The user is preferably active this particular month.
The word "mainspace" doesn't appear anywhere in there. Hard work. Not "Hard work except the userspace cause that doesn't count". Just "hard work". Yes, the mainspace should be paramount, but helping other users is also a very big part of it. Roxas does hard work making images and working coding for other users. He's helpful. If you think another user is more deserving right now and want to vote for them instead, just do that. Vote for that person without denouncing the competition, 'mkay?
- I believe we're leaving it this month until we get this place back on its feet
- Also, this is a community decision, so shouldn't we let the community decide?
- Thats what I meant open a forum now and tell people about it on there talk pages so we can discuss what we're gonna do about this place
- I would say 6 o'clock wiki time, seeing as it is the weekend and most editors will still be on.
- yeah its only the 7th i just thought i'd bring it up seeing as, well everyone kinda ditched this wiki and left for the new one. but your right time will tell and who knows something may happen.
- I second, or rather fourth, the comments made by SilverCrono. I cannot justify, at all, the featuring of a WikiPrincess as an honorable user that can be thought of as a "model user." A wiki cannot run on WikiPrincesses; arguably, some are necessary to keep a thriving base of readers alive, but they are in now way, shape, or form a model for user behavior.
And for everyone who is saying that mainspace mains nothing in voting for a featured user:
*"The user should be obviously hard-working. Any sort of edits, from spelling corrections to full page rewrites are acceptable, as long as the user makes quality edits."
This quite honestly implies that mainspace is a major, if not the most important factor in choosing a featured user. Hard-working does not mean chatting on the user talk pages, which for your information makes up over 70% of Roxas's edits. From what I can tell, the other ~30% is distributed between making talk templates, uploading images for talk templates, and editing his own profile to make it extremely... aesthetic, so to say. It shouldn't even need to be said, but talk templates and extravagant user pages are not necessary for any wiki. There are wikis that don't even have talk template, and they are getting along just fine.
Hard-working, by the definition of the Featured User voting, is edits from the low level of gnoming to the large level of rewriting pages like a WikiKnight. The second sentence above specifically pertains to the two levels of editing in the mainspace, not the two poles of WikiPrincesses and WikiKnights. Also, I will never, ever find user talk page chats quality edits that help the wiki grow toward becoming a fully, entirely comprehensive database.
I mean not to directly attack the nominated user, but rather the, in my opinion, ridiculous amount of support for a user based on activities that have no reason to be "featured."
- I'll definitely be there as Roxas said time and place.
- I couldn't tell you but I would say either or, I've not got any details on it...
- Ok, rude. And embarrassing. I didn't realize this was the talk page. But don't be rude.
| - Alright then since we've hd other imput i'd say we're all in agreement yes? So we'll hold off. Perhaps I'll just cut april entirely as even if the reconstruction gets done before the month is over there wouldn't be much time. Not to mention again this place is just slightly more productive active than a graveyard.
| - Well after talking with a number of people on the matter, we can either nominate something and hit the ground running with a 75% dead community, or we can wait another month another month and see how the community is then.
- Well you see DS, here's the thing; Doing the UotM could potentialy kick some life into the wiki as it lets users get involved into the social side of the site. After the reconfiguration that is most likely going the be this site's make-up. So it might be good to do it now as well. See the 2-heads here? For nw though I'm not sure.... Well it's not really that important. It's still very much in the begining of the month. Perhaps we'll see a spring of life. Time will only tell.
- Yea. I wouldn't even bother with Maggosh. He'll catch on eventualy. We just have to figure out when is a good time to set up the forum so everyone can be in unisen. Even the ICR would be a good place.
- I am just going to clearify this to make this decision 100% crystal clear to everyone. It has been decided that the Featured User Award will remain unchanged and idle at the earliest until the reconfiguration is complete. I talked to Inexistent about my idea of changing to qualifications to better suit the new style of the wiki. He agreed with me but said to hold off on any thought of that until the reconfiguration was complete. This was a mutual thought between us. So as I said, nothing will be done with the featured user until after this wiki if reconfigured. From they we will decide exactly how the program will work based on how the reformed wiki runs and opperates. The strength of the wiki is another issue. However it is not a matter of voting but a problem of who would be nominated. I can only assume the award will be severely cut down in it's assteamed properties the wiki is now vastly populated by "green as grass" newbies who have no idea whats going on. So the only people forseibly at this point deserving of the award would be any of the users who still very actively work here to better the wiki. So again there are a number of issues that will have to be confronted later on, but hopefuly those will have somewhat sorted themselves out by the time this wiki is done with its reconstruction. I will also take this oppertunity to clearify another point. The user of the month award can by all means be a way to reel in users here and get them involved. As any of you that are still actively here must realize, we gain new users everyday. Many of them are idle and inresponsive but they are still here. Hooking them into a wiki event could also reel them into actvity in the wiki in general. Not to mention the wiki's new style could also very possibly reel in users on its own as it is supposed to be much more fan driven instead of being so info driven and strict. So let's not worry as much the number of people here but the function of the project itself. More userd need to be involved and productive if this award is going to be at all effective. Otherwise it completely loses its value. Anyway as I have made my point I will end this huge ramble.
- Well I don't really think we should try to pull in users until after the reform. If we try pulling people in now it will be confusing when everything changes. When this place is changed then we'll work that bug out. But since we're having no guidence here I guess we should gather and talk about what we want for this wiki. I know there's supposed to be a meeting about this wiki at some time but I still don't know when.
| - All right then, Ill be there. Im concerned about this place future.
- I second what Lego said: We shuold wait for this place to have a determined fate before even trying to bring life to ir, let alone to freature someone for his work
- Disagree...? Well... I dont... is there anyone else out there? Maggosh, Guest, Darkheart...? I think that's it. There is really no comunity now, beside us, the one I mentioned, and a few stray ones. So, yeah.
| - Even then, allow me to quote myself in this "... what is the point of voting in the first place, if now you guys are complaning about who are we voting for?". I perfectly understand what you are trying to say, but I think, users should decide by themselves. If not, then, why dont you DIRECTLY pick up the candidates based on their edits on the main space? That should make all of you happy but for now, people are wanting Roxas to be the featured user. There's nothing you can do about it. Now, if he wins, or not, is another subject. About it being "unfair"... dont take it wrong, but you are not the ones to decides who deserves and who not deserves to be featured, is a voting because of that.
| - DB relax.I don't think he was trying to be rude.
| - Crono, you have said what I could not, thanks for that. I shall also leave this whole ordeal, hopefully next month won't be so difficult.
| - You all had better read this ASAP. This is has on far enough. If things don't improve THIS MONTH The Featured User of the Month Award WILL be shut down until I see fit. No more ifs.
- Ok this is ridiculous I agree with what Enigma is saying at this point. I work my butt off all the time. My grades even slipped a little because I spend so much time helping users and Chitalian I help people with a lot of coding as well I do my best to upload images to the wiki such as the Oathkeeper & Oblivion transparent image. Point being I dedicate myself as much as I can and isn't that the message. Shouldn't we be promoting to develope an extreme dedication to what you do? The fact that you are all being so down on me So either take me off or just enough. I'm so tired of reading this crap. If someone calls me a wiki princess one more time I will get angry because basicaly you're taking all the work I've done and saying gee that's not good enough. You know what whatever ok whatever. It's not really the fact I wanna win cause frankly I could care the hell less. But it's the fact that you guys are going into a complete frenzy to say I'm not FU material so you no what if that's it then whatever you guys go do what you need to friggin do. But realize all of the people that voted for me genuenly feel I 100% deserve it so think of how they could possibly feel that way and no it's not because I'm their friend.
| - EDIT CONFLICT: Why is Roxas not FU material? He's helped most of the users on this wiki, and that helps this wiki, if not just as much than damn sure close, as editing the mainspace. Why can't we recognize users who work on the other side of the wiki?
| - Wow I really got to be more involved in these forum now. No one mention me or state that I'm still here o.O D:. But anyway from what I seen there only like around 5 people who still edited on here. So right now as a commumity we pretty much dead, and there really not much we can't do on the UoTM, unless we just vote on 1 person only to be the UoTM with no one else, we can't do much it seem.
| - You know what guys I don't even care at this point just get rid of it. I'm really done reading this. Those users did not vote for me because I am their friend. In fact As If I have never even talked to before. They voted for me because of the extreme hard work and dedication I always show them and anyother user that asks me for help. So please do not say I am getting favoritism votes. As I said I'm done with reading about this. Since you guys seem to have such an issue with this and say I am not featured user material then by all means go ahead.
| - Now, could all of you tell me somenthing? Do you think is worth featuring users who complains about another because he is not a main-space editor? Is worth featuring people who are discussing if they should remove his votes? I think not.
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- Time is base on the reality of our fantasy.
| - Shall we host this 'meeting' on the IRC?
| - Uhm alright. I mean if you're talking about this community well then you got it right here dude. This is really all we got. Other than the billions of newbies that do nothing at all. Yes as will I. Just say the time and the place.
- Ok so then are we to discuss this because it is definitely a hot topic.
| - Then I believe that settles it, unless someone else would like to mak their oppinions know.