Endar was a Talarian captain in the Talarian militia and was the commanding officer of the warship Q'Maire. In the 2350s, Endar fought against the Federation in the Galen border conflicts. In 2357, Endar fought Humans on Galen IV. In the aftermath of the battle, he claimed the surviving son of the dead Connor and Moira Rossa in return for the loss of his son, who was killed fighting Humans on Castal I . This was in accordance with Talarian tradition, but in contradiction with their agreements with the Federation. The boy was given the name Jono and raised as a Talarian.
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| - Endar was a Talarian captain in the Talarian militia and was the commanding officer of the warship Q'Maire. In the 2350s, Endar fought against the Federation in the Galen border conflicts. In 2357, Endar fought Humans on Galen IV. In the aftermath of the battle, he claimed the surviving son of the dead Connor and Moira Rossa in return for the loss of his son, who was killed fighting Humans on Castal I . This was in accordance with Talarian tradition, but in contradiction with their agreements with the Federation. The boy was given the name Jono and raised as a Talarian.
- Endar was a male Talarian, with a reputation as a ruthless soldier. In 2367, he was involved in an incident with Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-D over Endar's human adoptive son, Jono, whom Captain Picard wanted returned to the Federation. After an incident where a confused and desperate Jono stabbed Captain Picard in his sleep, Picard made the decision to return Jono to Endar. (TNG episode: "Suddenly Human")
- thumb|Endar (2367) Endar ist ein talarianischer Captain und Kommandant des Raumschiffs Q'Maire im 24. Jahrhundert. 2357 ist Endar bei den Angriffen auf die Föderations-Außenposten auf Castal I und Galen IV dabei, bei denen Lieutenant Commander Connor Rossa und seine Frau ums Leben kommen. Ihr Sohn Jeremiah überlebt den Angriff und wird von Endar mit nach Talar genommen und adoptiert. Dort lebt er fortan unter dem Namen Jono und wird als Talarianer aufgezogen. Endar wurde von Sherman Howard gespielt und von Manfred Richter synchronisiert.
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| - Talarian officer
- Commander of the Talarian warship Q'Maire
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| - thumb|Endar (2367) Endar ist ein talarianischer Captain und Kommandant des Raumschiffs Q'Maire im 24. Jahrhundert. 2357 ist Endar bei den Angriffen auf die Föderations-Außenposten auf Castal I und Galen IV dabei, bei denen Lieutenant Commander Connor Rossa und seine Frau ums Leben kommen. Ihr Sohn Jeremiah überlebt den Angriff und wird von Endar mit nach Talar genommen und adoptiert. Dort lebt er fortan unter dem Namen Jono und wird als Talarianer aufgezogen. 10 Jahre später wird Jono von der USS Enterprise-D an Bord eines Talarianischen Aufklärers entdeckt. Admiral Connaught Rossa, die Großmutter des Jungen will ihren Enkel wieder zu sich nehmen, doch Endar besteht darauf, dass er ihm wieder übergeben wird. Außerdem droht er damit, dass weitere talarianische Schiffe kommen würden. Picard sieht ein, dass Jeremiah mittlerweile schon zu sehr in die talarianische Kultur integriert ist, als dass er sich noch an die Lebensweise der Menschen gewöhnen könne. Deshalb aktzeptiert er Endars Forderung und gibt ihm den Jungen gegen den Willen seiner Großmutter zurück (TNG: ). Endar wurde von Sherman Howard gespielt und von Manfred Richter synchronisiert.
- Endar was a Talarian captain in the Talarian militia and was the commanding officer of the warship Q'Maire. In the 2350s, Endar fought against the Federation in the Galen border conflicts. In 2357, Endar fought Humans on Galen IV. In the aftermath of the battle, he claimed the surviving son of the dead Connor and Moira Rossa in return for the loss of his son, who was killed fighting Humans on Castal I . This was in accordance with Talarian tradition, but in contradiction with their agreements with the Federation. The boy was given the name Jono and raised as a Talarian. In 2367, Jono was discovered wounded in a Talarian observation craft by the USS Enterprise-D. Endar reached the Enterprise-D and demanded the return of Jono. Captain Picard accused the Talarian of abusing the boy, but Endar denied the charge, telling Picard that the boy had been injured performing Talarian rites of passage. Picard allowed Endar to see Jono, but refused to surrender him. Endar threatened war and announced that additional Talarian ships were en route. Picard decided that Jono would be better with Endar than trying to adapt to Human ways after ten years being raised as a Talarian. (TNG: "Suddenly Human" ) Endar was played by actor Sherman Howard. The costume worn by Sherman Howard as Endar was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction. [1] The Star Trek: Destiny novel Mere Mortals established Endar as being the Talarian ambassador to the Federation in the 2380s. The Endar of the mirror universe appears in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel The Soul Key.
- Endar was a male Talarian, with a reputation as a ruthless soldier. In 2367, he was involved in an incident with Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-D over Endar's human adoptive son, Jono, whom Captain Picard wanted returned to the Federation. After an incident where a confused and desperate Jono stabbed Captain Picard in his sleep, Picard made the decision to return Jono to Endar. (TNG episode: "Suddenly Human") By 2381, Endar served as the Talarian Ambassador to the United Federation of Planets. During the Borg Invasion of 2381, he was on Earth to meet with Federation President Nanietta Bacco along with other Ambassadors from surrounding galactic powers. Bacco intended to rally an allied fleet to fight back the Borg; Endar pledged the support of the Talarian fleet after little resistance. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals) In 2382, Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise-E met with Endar on Talaria to discuss the Talarian Republic joining the Khitomer Accords. (ST - Typhon Pact eBook: The Struggle Within)