| - Second month, [illegible] day, 28 ABY Zuckuss has lost [track] of the days. According to Dr. Karastee, such [detriment] is common [illegible] to shock treatment. [illegible] She [said] that Zuckuss will recover his memory in due time. Dr. Karastee also showed Zuckuss a [illegible] holorecording of the shocks. He actually remembered viewing it this time. It [isn't] so hazy [illegible] in his mind. He still has trouble with [illegible] most of the details, but he remembers seeing it. And he was actually shocked—as in the emotion. It didn't look so bad. It didn't look so scary. The only thing Zuckuss remembers seeing was his left foot twitching. It didn't look so bad. Zuckuss still doesn't like the [headaches] and pain and confusion. According to Dr. Karastee, Zuckuss was confused after his treatment, but it apparently [cleared] up. He has to wonder... is this [illegible] helping him? Or is it [illegible] slowly destroying him? Zuckuss misses 4-LOM... Second month, don't know the day anymore, 28 ABY Galactic [Love] Festival, or something. I only know [because] there was a pink cupcake with chow. No shocks today, have those [tomorrow]. I really don't know how to feel about these shocks anymore. I had an attack today. Chest closed up, coughed and coughed and coughed. My throat is raw, my chest hurts, and I spent the evening [lightheaded]. I was given a breathing treatment and permitted to shower. One of the doctors asked if I have asthma. No, I just have bad lungs. They [illegible] [need] replaced. Again. Was my surgery a farce? Did it do anything? I thought they fixed my lungs! I hoped that they fixed my lungs. For a while, it felt like that they fixed my lungs. I still have attacks. My chest hurts from my last one. Did they lie to me?