| - Located on the northeastern coast of the Bay of Ormal, Bulchyades (D.S."Place of Battle") was a low, arid region known for it's colorful, Chyan fishing culture. It's sparse population resided in three distinctly different areas. Most people lived in the lower Denûly river valley. Some made their homes in the coastal fishing villages, while others lived in fortified hamlets in the western foothills of the Ered Harmal. The latter made their living as herders or miners. Although it produced fine fish, olives, and wine, Bulchyades was best known for it's plentiful reserves of metal. Mining, metallurgy, and metal-crafting accounted for most of the region's trade. Alcam, brass, evyth, silver, and gold flew from the neighboring mountains. Chyan-speaking peoples, the Bulchya and Moguly were related to all of their neighbors. They enjoyed a stable, peaceful lifestyle, despite the fact that their relative wealth occasionally invited unwelcome Aca raiders from the warlike domain of Acaana. A trio of silver spoons constituted the symbol of Bulchyades. The Bulchy banner was red rectangle emblazoned with the three spoons, which were arranged in a vertical row.