Attributes | Values |
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| - * Increases the chance of getting the Flo pet drop; continues to increase for virtual levels past 99, and again at 200 million experience
| - 7200.0
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make seeping elm shortbows
* Dungeoneering: Ability to make bathus arrows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make tangle gum staves and tangle gum wands
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make bovistrangler longbows
- * Ability to fletch Magic stock
- * Ability to fletch adamant arrows
- * Ability to fletch magic shieldbows
- * Ability to fletch magic shortbows
- * Ability to fletch rune arrows
- * Ability to fletch yew shieldbows
- * Ability to make iron arrows
- * Ability to make mithril arrows
- * Ability to make oak shieldbows
- * Ability to make willow shortbows
- * Ability to make yew shortbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make Fractite arrows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make seeping elm traps
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make spinebeam traps
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make tangle gum traps
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make utuku longbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make utuku shortbows
- * Skill Mastery
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make 43 arrow shafts from bovistrangler branches
* Ability to fletch maple shortbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make blood spindle longbows
- * Ability to make steel darts and off-hand steel darts
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make bovistrangler shortbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make 37 arrow shafts from spinebeam branches
* Ability to make willow shieldbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make bovistrangler staves and bovistrangler wands
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make utuku staves and utuku wands
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make tangle gum longbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make seeping elm staves and seeping elm wands
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make spinebeam staves and spinebeam wands
* Ability to fletch steel bolts
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make spinebeam shortbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make Kratonite arrows
* Dungeoneering: Ability to make utuku traps
- * Ability to make shieldbows
* Dungeoneering: Ability to make 21 arrow shafts from seeping elm branches
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make 26 arrow shafts from blood spindle branches
* Ability to make oak shortbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make 32 arrow shafts from utuku branches
* Ability to make steel arrows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make Zephyrium arrows
* Ability to fletch maple shieldbows
- * Ability to make bronze arrows
* Ability to make arrow shafts
* Ability to make shortbows
* Ability to make bronze darts and off-hand bronze darts
* Dungeoneering: Ability to make 15 arrow shafts from Tangle gum branches
* Dungeoneering: Ability to make novite arrows
* Dungeoneering: Ability to make Tangle gum shortbow
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make bovistrangler traps
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make blood spindle shortbows
- * Ability to make mithril darts and off-hand mithril darts
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make Marmaros arrows
* Ability to make iron darts and off-hand iron darts
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make seeping elm longbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make blood spindle staves and blood spindle wands
- *Ability to make bronze arrows
*Ability to make arrow shafts
*Ability to make shortbows
*Ability to raise your Fletching level to 5
- * Ability to make adamant darts and off-hand adamant darts
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make blood spindle traps
| - 7200.0
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make Marmaros arrows
*Ability to make iron darts and off-hand iron darts
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make 26 arrow shafts from blood spindle branches
*Ability to make oak shortbows
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make corpsethorn staves and corpsethorn wands
- * Required to complete Seers' Village elite tasks
* Ability to create Log-splitting Scrimshaws, Rock-crushing Scrimshaws, Whopper-baiting scrimshaws and Memory-crushing scrimshaws
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make grave creeper traps
* Ability to investigate Nourished ancient effigies
* Ability to fletch Bakriminel bolts
* One of the requirements for the Wilderness elite tasks
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make spinebeam shortbows
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make argonite arrows
*Dungeoneering: Ability to make thigat longbows
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make blood spindle traps
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make entgallow shortbows
*Ability to make rune darts and off-hand rune darts
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make blood spindle longbows
- * Ability to fletch adamant brutal arrows
- * Ability to investigate Gorged ancient effigies
- * Ability to make Diamond bolts
- * Ability to make black brutal arrows
- * Ability to make bolas
- * Ability to make bronze brutal arrows
- * Ability to make iron brutal arrows
- * Ability to make mithril brutal arrows
- * Ability to make steel brutal arrows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make thigat shortbows
- * Dungeoneering: Ability to make thigat traps
- * Required to complete Daemonheim Medium Tasks
- * Required to start Catapult Construction
- * Required to start Devious Minds
- * Required to start The Fremennik Trials
- * Required to start The Tourist Trap
- * Required to start Zogre Flesh Eaters
- *Ability to fletch adamant brutal arrows
- *Ability to fletch rune arrows
- *Ability to investigate Gorged ancient effigies
- *Ability to make blood spindle shortbows
- *Ability to make bolas
- *Ability to make bronze brutal arrows
- *Ability to make iron arrows
- *Ability to make mithril arrows
- *Ability to make mithril brutal arrows
- *Ability to make willow shortbows
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make Fractite arrows
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make corpsethorn traps
- *Dungeoneering: Ability to make entgallow longbows