"Respond at once, then, and tell them you will be my representative."
"I'll want a detailed report of who attends and how they react to this new king."
"Would it be good for [Your House] to be seen at the coronation?"
"Who exactly is invited to honor them? Me?"
Groat harrumphs. "It'll be good to see who else the king honors." Septa Eleanor nods. "I can go. I'll make sure we both see and are seen."
"An invitation, my [lord/lady]." Septa Eleanor comes to you. "The honor of our presence is requested at the coronation of King Tommen, first of his name."
Septa Eleanor looks bashful. "You can go yourself if you wish, but it's more customary to send one of your household. I can attend, if you wish."
"Refuse the invitation. I want no part of the mess in King's Landing."