| - The Capulet Counterpart begins the story on the side of the villain but ends it on the hero's side. Maybe she and the hero are both stuck on a spaceship at the other end of the galaxy and need to work together to get home. Or maybe she finds out that she's been lied to by the villain all her life and has been working for the very people she thought she was fighting against. Or maybe she just gets fired by the villain and her new job involves working with the hero. Whatever the reason my be, she starts working with the hero, probably reluctantly at first. But when a situation comes where they can actually sit down and talk -- and one won't be long -- she and the hero will actually find they have much in common. There's no fighting The Power of Love or friendship. Soon she's one of his inseparable True Companions, and quite possibly his soulmate, too. The Capulet Counterpart is almost Always Female, and like her predecessor has a remarkably high chance of being the hero's love interest. Because the Capulet Counterpart is essentially an ordinary citizen of The Empire, she sometimes also serves to humanize their average citizen. Most of the time, unlike the Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter, the Capulet Counterpart is the primary female lead, quite capable of taking care of herself, and her Character Development is a major part of the story. It's a good thing, too -- the Capulet Counterpart tends to have a few sources of angst in her past that require a lot of dealing with before she and her man can ride off into the sunset together. This character type is becoming a very common RPG female lead. If she doesn't switch sides, it's Dating Catwoman. Examples of Capulet Counterpart include: