Draken IV was a planet located in the space of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant, the fourth planet in orbit of the Draken star system. Draken IV was a member of the United Federation of Planets. (TNG episode: "Face of the Enemy") By 2156, Draken IV hosted a colony of 73 Humans that was attacked and destroyed by the Romulans. Gannet Brooks later featured the invasion in one of her reports. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
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- Draken IV
- Draken IV
- Draken IV
- Draken IV
| - Planeta cercano al Sector Kaleb que cuenta con una base de la Federación; los disidentes romulanos, con ayuda de Deanna Troi, pensaban llevar hasta allí al Vice Proconsul M'Ret, que desertaba desde Romulus. El planeta tiene varios sitios arqueológicos que prueban que los romulanos habían habitado el lugar varios siglos atrás.
- Draken IV était une planète, qui abritait un avant-poste de la Fédération, situé près du Secteur de Kaleb et de la Zone Neutre Romulienne.
- Draken IV was a planet located in the space of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant, the fourth planet in orbit of the Draken star system. Draken IV was a member of the United Federation of Planets. (TNG episode: "Face of the Enemy") By 2156, Draken IV hosted a colony of 73 Humans that was attacked and destroyed by the Romulans. Gannet Brooks later featured the invasion in one of her reports. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- In 2369 hielp Romulan ondercommandant N'Vek de vice-proconsul M'ret bij het deserteren naar de Federatie. N'Vek wilde de M'ret en zijn assistenten op Draken IV achterlaten. (TNG: "Face of the Enemy") Het daaropvolgende jaar werd een archeologische locatie op Draken IV overwogen door Arctus Baran om te overvallen met zijn huursoldaten. (TNG: "Gambit, Deel I")
- Draken IV was the inhabited fourth planet in the Draken system. The system was located in the Taugan sector. This planet was home to a Starfleet base, and it was located near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Ancient Romulan ruins were located on this planet. In 2369, Romulan Sub-Commander N'Vek, who was assisting in the defection of Vice-Proconsul M'ret, intended to deposit the Romulan official and his aides on Draken IV. (TNG: "Face of the Enemy" )
- Draken IV ist ein Planet in der Romulanischen Neutralen Zone in der Nähe des Kaleb-Sektors. Die Föderation hat dort eine Basis errichtet. Der romulanische Subcommander N'Vek will den überlaufenden Vize-Prokonsul M'ret 2369 mit dem Warbird IRW Khazara nach Draken IV bringen (TNG: ). 2370 wird eine archäologische Stätte auf Draken IV als mögliches Ziel einer Söldnertruppe unter Arctus Baran angesehen (TNG: ).
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| - Planeta cercano al Sector Kaleb que cuenta con una base de la Federación; los disidentes romulanos, con ayuda de Deanna Troi, pensaban llevar hasta allí al Vice Proconsul M'Ret, que desertaba desde Romulus. El planeta tiene varios sitios arqueológicos que prueban que los romulanos habían habitado el lugar varios siglos atrás.
- Draken IV was the inhabited fourth planet in the Draken system. The system was located in the Taugan sector. This planet was home to a Starfleet base, and it was located near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Ancient Romulan ruins were located on this planet. In 2369, Romulan Sub-Commander N'Vek, who was assisting in the defection of Vice-Proconsul M'ret, intended to deposit the Romulan official and his aides on Draken IV. (TNG: "Face of the Enemy" ) The following year, an archaeological site located on Draken IV was suggested as a possible raiding target for the band of mercenaries operating under Arctus Baran. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I" ) Starfleet Command anticipated that Baran might attack this planet so a Federation starship was sent to this planet to intercept his ship. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II" ) This planet was only mentioned in dialogue. According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 45) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Draken system was located in the Beta Quadrant. The system's primary was a G-class star. In the distant past, about 2,000 years ago, this system was a destination on the Debrune trade route.
- Draken IV était une planète, qui abritait un avant-poste de la Fédération, situé près du Secteur de Kaleb et de la Zone Neutre Romulienne.
- Draken IV was a planet located in the space of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant, the fourth planet in orbit of the Draken star system. Draken IV was a member of the United Federation of Planets. (TNG episode: "Face of the Enemy") By 2156, Draken IV hosted a colony of 73 Humans that was attacked and destroyed by the Romulans. Gannet Brooks later featured the invasion in one of her reports. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- In 2369 hielp Romulan ondercommandant N'Vek de vice-proconsul M'ret bij het deserteren naar de Federatie. N'Vek wilde de M'ret en zijn assistenten op Draken IV achterlaten. (TNG: "Face of the Enemy") Het daaropvolgende jaar werd een archeologische locatie op Draken IV overwogen door Arctus Baran om te overvallen met zijn huursoldaten. (TNG: "Gambit, Deel I")
- Draken IV ist ein Planet in der Romulanischen Neutralen Zone in der Nähe des Kaleb-Sektors. Die Föderation hat dort eine Basis errichtet. Der romulanische Subcommander N'Vek will den überlaufenden Vize-Prokonsul M'ret 2369 mit dem Warbird IRW Khazara nach Draken IV bringen (TNG: ). 2370 wird eine archäologische Stätte auf Draken IV als mögliches Ziel einer Söldnertruppe unter Arctus Baran angesehen (TNG: ). Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planetensystems mit der Bezeichnung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planetensystems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigennamen nach dem dazugehörigen Zentralgestirn zu benennen.
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