Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi(日出処の天子, "Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun") is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Ryoko Yamagishi. It tells a fictionalised account of Prince Shōtoku, a political figure of sixth-century Japan who spread Buddhism, and his unrequited love for Soga no Emishi, which is very unlike the traditionally known stories of these people. It was serialized in Hakusensha's LaLa from 1980 to 1984. The individual chapters were published in four tankōbon under the Hana to Yume Comics imprint, which were released between January and November 1981. Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi received the 1983 Kodansha Manga Award for the shōjo category.
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| - Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi(日出処の天子, "Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun") is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Ryoko Yamagishi. It tells a fictionalised account of Prince Shōtoku, a political figure of sixth-century Japan who spread Buddhism, and his unrequited love for Soga no Emishi, which is very unlike the traditionally known stories of these people. It was serialized in Hakusensha's LaLa from 1980 to 1984. The individual chapters were published in four tankōbon under the Hana to Yume Comics imprint, which were released between January and November 1981. Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi received the 1983 Kodansha Manga Award for the shōjo category.
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| - Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi
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| - Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi(日出処の天子, "Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun") is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Ryoko Yamagishi. It tells a fictionalised account of Prince Shōtoku, a political figure of sixth-century Japan who spread Buddhism, and his unrequited love for Soga no Emishi, which is very unlike the traditionally known stories of these people. It was serialized in Hakusensha's LaLa from 1980 to 1984. The individual chapters were published in four tankōbon under the Hana to Yume Comics imprint, which were released between January and November 1981. Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi received the 1983 Kodansha Manga Award for the shōjo category.