| - PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Takara (タカラ, Takara) is a gennin-ranked kunoichi from Konohagakure and part of Team Tsukimaru. Takara is one of the main characters of the fanmanga Naruto Shiroki
- Mundo hogar de los Takarans.
- Takara ist die Heimatwelt der Takaranen. Außerdem lebt dort vermutlich auch das takaranische Gnu. (TNG: ; DS9: )
- The company motto was 「遊びは文化」(asobi wa bunka) which means "playing is culture." __TOC__
- Takara (宝, Takara) was the elder son of Hōjō Uchiha and member of the Senju clan, who considered himself an Uchiha. With the discovery of his heritage, Takara began to distance himself from Tobirama Senju and with his love for his mother founded the Hōjō clan.
- Takara was an inhabited planet and was the homeworld of the Takarans. In 2369, the scientist Doctor Jo'Bril had a plan of stealing the prototype metaphysic shield and transporting it back to his homeworld, where he hoped to develop the shield into a weapon. This plan was foiled by Beverly Crusher. (TNG: "Suspicions" ) This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
- Takara, most commonly known as Treasure, was the son of the Leatherworkers community's leader, Raspy. He helped his father and his lieutenant Eyebrows with the governance of the Leatherworker Quarter. Treasure was a opium seller in secret, and it would devastate his father if Raspy knew of it.
- Takara is a traveler and one of the major characters in Obake Blade.
- Vuonna 10 ABY Takara varasti Ka'Pa huttilta GCT laitteen, joka antoi Takaralle mahdollisuutta salakuunnella huttin kommunikaatioita ja yhteyksiä. Mara Jade tuli huttin luokse neuvotellakseen ja saadakseen huttin tukemaan varastollaan Uutta Tasavaltaa. Ka'Pa suostui sillä ehdolla, että Mara takaisinvarastaisi laitteen. Mara yritti jäljittää Takaran nappaamalla tämän luutnantin, Abron Marin Katraasiin avaruussataman kaduilla, mutta nuori jedi epäonnistui ja toimitettiin Takaran tukikohtaan vangiksi. Mara pääsi helposti vapaaksi huijatessaan jedivoimillaan gamorrivartijalta avaimet ja toimitti koneen takaisin huttille.
- Takara fue un señor del crimen, rival de Ka'Pa el hutt. Por el 10 DBY Takara le robó a Ka'Pa un dispositivo de vigilancia lo que le permitía espiar las operaciones del hutt. En el proceso de negociar un suministro de provisiones con la Nueva República, Mara Jade accedió a recuperarlo. Después de intentar atrapar a Abron Mar, Teniente de Takara, por las calles del puerto espacial Katraasii, Jade fue sometida y encarcelada en la fortaleza de Takara. Mara logró escapar usando sus poderes Jedi, incluyendo matar al rancor de Tacara. Recuperó el dispositivo y lo devolvió a Ka'Pa.
- Takara Co., Ltd. was a Japanese toy company founded in 1955. Takara merged with another prominent Japanese toy company, Tomy Co., Ltd., on March 1, 2006. Takara is perhaps best known for producing the transforming Diaclone and Micro Change toylines which were collectively re-branded as Transformers for the western market by Hasbro in 1984.
- Takara era un Signore del crimine e rivale di Ka'Pa la Hutt. Nel 10 ABY Takara aveva rubato un Transponder di Comunicazione Globale a Ka'Pa, permettendogli di ascoltare le comunicazioni dell'Hutt. Nella negoziazione di un accordo per conto della Nuova Repubblica, Mara Jade accettò di tentare di riottenere lo strumento per Ka'Pa in cambio di rifornimenti per le forze della Nuova Repubblica. Dopo aver tentato di rintracciare il tenente di Takara, Abron Mar, per le strade di uno spazioporto sul pianeta Katraasii, Jade venne catturata e consegnata alla Roccaforte di Takara su un altro pianeta. Mara riuscì a fuggire con i suoi poteri Jedi, combattè le guardie di Takara e il suo Rancor, per poi rubare il TCG e restituirlo a Ka'Pa.