| - Following the actions of Captain Ventanus and the remaining Imperials on Calth, eventually they were rescued by the Ultramarines. The "Saviour of Calth" became one of Primarch Roboute Guilliman's closest advisers. Led by their erstwhile Captain, the 4th Company, known in some circles as the Troublesome Fourth, was a company known for its daredevil actions, heroic follies and the personal bravery of its individual warriors. They would become instrumental in helping to play out the strategies and military tactics devised by Primarch Guilliman in simulated battles -- the results, which would help lay the foundation of his greatest work, his Magnum Opus, the undertaking for which he would be forever remembered -- the Codex Astartes. Decades of accumulated wisdom, each chapter and verse a fragm
| - Following the actions of Captain Ventanus and the remaining Imperials on Calth, eventually they were rescued by the Ultramarines. The "Saviour of Calth" became one of Primarch Roboute Guilliman's closest advisers. Led by their erstwhile Captain, the 4th Company, known in some circles as the Troublesome Fourth, was a company known for its daredevil actions, heroic follies and the personal bravery of its individual warriors. They would become instrumental in helping to play out the strategies and military tactics devised by Primarch Guilliman in simulated battles -- the results, which would help lay the foundation of his greatest work, his Magnum Opus, the undertaking for which he would be forever remembered -- the Codex Astartes. Decades of accumulated wisdom, each chapter and verse a fragment of his biologically encoded genius, each morsel of imparted knowledge a building block that would combine to form a work immeasurably greater than the sum of its parts. If the Primarch's work could be made to stick with the 4th Company, then it would stick anywhere. Where the 4th Company led, the other battle companies followed. During one of the latter simulated battles, Ventanus found a flaw in one of Guilliman's plans. The Primarch explained to Captain Ventanus that he was not infallible. The 4th's last engagement had shown that they had followed the Primarch's teachings without fail, yet, they had still been led to defeat. If Calth had taught the Ultramarines anything it was that they must always be adaptable and never too hidebound in their thinking. As of yet, they were still flawed. No one, not even one such as he, could anticipate every possible outcome of battle. Guilliman felt that his words were not some holy writ that must be obeyed. There must always be room for personal initiative on the battlefield. Both warriors understood, perhaps better than anyone, how one spark of heroism could turn the tide of battle. That knowledge and personal experience could only be earned in blood, and the leader in the field must always be the ultimate arbiter of what course of action should be followed.