| - Frenemies is a 2012 television film and anthology based on the novel of the same name by Alexa Young premiered on Disney Channel. It features an ensemble cast of Bella Thorne, Zendaya, Stefanie Scott, Nick Robinson, and Mary Mouser. The film follows three pairs of friends that go from friends to enemies and back again. The film is to be directed by Daisy Mayer and written by Dava Savel, Wendy Weiner, and Jim Krieg. The Disney Channel Original Movie premiered on January 13, 2012 in the United States and Canada, and March 2, 2012 in the UK.
- Carrie teaches at The Learning Annex. Miranda dates one of Carrie's ex-boyfriends whom she meets at a funeral. Charlotte gets sexually frustrated with her sex life with Trey. Samantha gets in a fight with Charlotte about her attitude toward sex.
- "Frenemies" is a song from the episode "Lotsa Latkes". It is sung by Baljeet and Buford.
- Feenemies are people that you pretend to be friends with, but eventually you turn your back on them or vice versa. Examples of Massie's frenemies are Alicia Rivera or Claire Lyons.
- Frenemies (Amienemigos en España y Amienemigas en Latinoaméria) es una Película Original de Disney Channel, basada en el libro Frenemies de Alexa Young. Fue estrenada el 13 de enero de 2012. Está protagonizada por Bella Thorne, Zendaya, Stefanie Scott, Nick Robinson, y Mary Mouser. La película sigue a tres pares de amigos que se convierten de amigos a enemigos y viceversa.
- Frenemies is a fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by Rhi-Rhi.