| - So, now that we've got some new beta testers around, I'm going to make a few requests regarding your bug reports. Follow this format in the +strs: Request title: Something concise and descriptive. "Combat bug" is a bad one. "Combat hang", "Unusual player death", "Ability failure - Fire Blast", and suchlike are good. Request text: System: Problem: Thanks, and go find those bugs!
| - So, now that we've got some new beta testers around, I'm going to make a few requests regarding your bug reports. Follow this format in the +strs: Request title: Something concise and descriptive. "Combat bug" is a bad one. "Combat hang", "Unusual player death", "Ability failure - Fire Blast", and suchlike are good. Request text: System: Problem: For systems, to start I'll suggest using the following categories: Combat (General); Combat (Mechanics), which would include turns cycling improperly, unusual occurances when monsters die or when players die, and so on; Combat (Abilities), relating to the use of the +ability command; Travel; Virtual Objects, those manipulated by +commands; and Other, please describe. Thanks, and go find those bugs!