This strip revolves around Konata's impressions of her classmates. Misao asks Konata to describe them (Referring to the group of Ayano, Kagami, and Misao herself) as if she were talking "Moe". Though Konata feels that when the "mundanes" use the word (Moe), she feels that they are making fun of them, she obliges Misao and explains her impressions. She explains that Kagami is " upturned-eyes, twin-pony-tailed Tsundere type.", that Ayano is a "...Forehead type or an Thigh-Gal type.", and finishes by saying Misao is "...The Boyish Fanged Type...oh and she's...the dumb character, right?" Her comment about Misao immediately has Misao complaining to Kagami, however Kagami herself finds that she really can't deny that about Misao, saying that Konata had just pretty much described all of them
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| - That's How You Are (Manga Strip)
| - This strip revolves around Konata's impressions of her classmates. Misao asks Konata to describe them (Referring to the group of Ayano, Kagami, and Misao herself) as if she were talking "Moe". Though Konata feels that when the "mundanes" use the word (Moe), she feels that they are making fun of them, she obliges Misao and explains her impressions. She explains that Kagami is " upturned-eyes, twin-pony-tailed Tsundere type.", that Ayano is a "...Forehead type or an Thigh-Gal type.", and finishes by saying Misao is "...The Boyish Fanged Type...oh and she's...the dumb character, right?" Her comment about Misao immediately has Misao complaining to Kagami, however Kagami herself finds that she really can't deny that about Misao, saying that Konata had just pretty much described all of them
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| - This strip revolves around Konata's impressions of her classmates. Misao asks Konata to describe them (Referring to the group of Ayano, Kagami, and Misao herself) as if she were talking "Moe". Though Konata feels that when the "mundanes" use the word (Moe), she feels that they are making fun of them, she obliges Misao and explains her impressions. She explains that Kagami is " upturned-eyes, twin-pony-tailed Tsundere type.", that Ayano is a "...Forehead type or an Thigh-Gal type.", and finishes by saying Misao is "...The Boyish Fanged Type...oh and she's...the dumb character, right?" Her comment about Misao immediately has Misao complaining to Kagami, however Kagami herself finds that she really can't deny that about Misao, saying that Konata had just pretty much described all of them. even konata wants kagami and misao to kiss.
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