| - Shane is the main antagonist of inFamous: First Light.
- Shane was born in Auckland, however he was kidnapped by aborginies and taken to the savage and untamed land of Australia. Their he was traded to a DJ for a baby kangaroo. This DJ got Shane hooked to Eurotrance music and LSD from an incredibly young age. I don't know how this works... I don't think I'm doing it right. HAha. He's also a RAD CUNT.
- Dark709's REAL recently-deceased pet dog, put down thanks to a horribly uncurable skin disease. May he Rest In Peace.
- Shane is a paramedic who was injured in an ambulance crash when his partner had a seizure while driving.
- Shane is a character from the Nerf N-Strike video games. He is N-Strike Elite's Elite Blaster Specialist and uses any blaster he can get his hands on. His favorite and default blaster is the Stampede REV-12.
- Shane était un personnage du film "Shane" / "L'homme des vallées perdues" de 1953, incarné à l'écran par l'acteur Alan Ladd. (Réalité extrapolée *) Après la perte de sa jambe, Nog regarda le film "Shane" à la télévision lorsqu'il cherchait à récupérer dans la chambre d'hôtel de Vic Fontaine. Nog fit une observation en remarquant que malgré avoir pris une balle dans le bras dans une fusillade, Shane apparaissait non blessé. (DS9: "It's Only a Paper Moon")
- Following the amputation of his leg, Nog watched the movie Shane on television while he recovered in Vic Fontaine's hotel room. Nog made, what was to him, a disturbing observation: despite being shot in the arm in a gunfight, Shane appeared uninjured. (DS9: "It's Only a Paper Moon") The brief clips from Shane that appeared in this episode featured shots of Alan Ladd as Shane.
- Shane is a Greek demigod, a son of Hephaestus.
- Shane is a character and antagonist in the TV show Jessie. He is Luke's friend and his backup dancer, he is also Zuri crush but Shane does not like Zuri because she has been spending too much time with Stuart and she is turning into him.
- Shane and Jess date at the start of Season 3. She works at Stars Hollow Beauty Supply, at least temporarily. Shane and Jess have a lot of PDA, but Jess has no feelings for her. He told Luke that he didn't even know her last name.
- A male attending Liberty High School. He is Jordan's friend. He is in Ms. Marian Chavatal's class.
- Shane est le ex-copain de Paige. Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Personnages Décédés
- シェーンはスパルタン-III兵士だ。彼は2525年に生まれたが、両親を第一次ハーベスト攻防戦にて失い、同時に故郷も失った。彼がスパルタン-III計画に参加したのは6歳のときで、コヴナントに対して復讐を成し遂げるために参加を望んだ。 シェーンは惑星オニキスのカラヒー基地に召集され、そこでアルファ中隊として編成される。彼は訓練初日の夜ペリカンを使っての訓練が行われた。その時スパルタン-III候補のロバートと共にファルコン・ウィング訓練が行われた。その際、妙な事が原因で喧嘩を始めてしまった。 彼は着地と同時にロバートを殴り飛ばす。それを見たメンデス曹長と教官が制止に入る。 この一件の後、ジェーンと共にウルフパック隊に参加する。彼は最後の戦いで、海軍の高官らがヘットカムを通じて見守る中、死亡した。この作戦後、ハルセイ博士の提唱する計画が始動することになる。
- Shane was a shapeshifter, one of the hundred sent out by the Great Link. He lived aboard the IKS Hou-Ling for many years until the ship was destroyed in 2375. Shane then was invited to live aboard the USS Phoenix-X where he occasionally took part in away missions when needed. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X: "The Bermuda Triangle Effect")
- Shane was a young man who went with his group of friends to go and stay in the Bodega Bay Inn house after it had long been abandoned. Shane took his girlfriend Rachel to go and have sex in one of the bedrooms of the hotel, it was there that Tunneler murdered them both by drilling through their heads. Pinhead was in the process of hiding Shane's body when Barry walked into the room and saw the carnage. Pinhead then turned his attention on Barry and proceeded to kill him.
- Shane is Freddie Benson's "nerd" friend in the Season 2 episode, iSaw Him First. At first, Carly and Sam believe he's a nerd because he is a member of the AV club with Freddie, but when they find out that he's attractive, they compete for his affection. Then things go haywire, resulting in Carly and Sam getting into an argument, and eventually Shane falls down the elevator and develops a fear of talking to girls with the name "Carly" or "Sam." Shane is played by James Maslow, who is also known for being "James Diamond" in Nickelodeon's Big Time Rush.
- Shane was a Human male who operated out of Dearic on Talus during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
- Shane is a character appearing in Pokémon: Advanced Challenge.
- Shane is a blue tractor owned by Willie the farmhand. Willie's carelessness and an overloaded trailer of wool once accidentally caused a spill of wool on the line, causing Rex to derail.
- Shane comes to the village after being released from jail, and wants to reconcile with Goldie McQueen and also starts to black mail Joel Dexter over his auntie Katy Fox death.
- Password hint: His password is the singular form of one of his character items ;)
- thumb|Shane, die Hauptfigur aus Mein großer Freund Shane. Shane ist ein fiktiver Charakter aus dem Western Mein großer Freund Shane. Er wird vom Schauspieler Alan Ladd gespielt. 2375 schaut sich Nog den Film im Fernsehen an. Der junge Ferengi wundert sich, weshalb Shane trotz einer Verletzung am Arm nicht blutet. (DS9: ) Shane wurde von Ernst Wilhelm Borchert synchronisiert.
- Shane was invited to participate in the Great Railway Show, and was shipped to the Mainland with the other engines by ferry. He took part in the strength competition, and competed against Henry, Frieda, Hiro and Vinnie. The winner of the competition was left unknown. After the Great Railway Show ended, Shane left the Mainland and returned to Australia.
- Shane is a recurring character on CW teen soap 90210. He is portrayed by Ryan Rottman.
- Shane is a 1953 film based on the 1949 novel of the same name by Jack Schaefer.
- The cat in the pimp hat I ship it with Uranus. <3 Kuki Now dubbed Shanus Rectanus of Uranus. Bow before his majesty! Also known as Shanus, Shanetor the Barbarian, and Shanye West.
- In 2001, shortly after Prue's death, Shane and Paige had been dating for one month. One night out at P3, Shane could tell something was wrong and asked her about it. Paige then shared that she was adopted and had once tried to locate her birth parents, which led her to the Halliwell sisters. However, she had given up when she learned their mother had died long ago. They later kissed and left the club, as Paige wanted to show him something. "He doesn't know exactly what happened to him, but he knows its something bad and he knows it's somehow connected to me." —Paige about Shane.
- Shane Wodwick Dee was born to a poor multi-racial Ludusian family and was to be given away to adoption shortly after his birth. While originally set to be left at the doorstep of a Chronostian church, he was taken by a minor god of the Separ Dimension and assigned as the underling/future successor of a psychopomp known as The Whether-Man. Taken under The Whether-Man's wing, Shane was guided and took up the ancient profession of leading the dead into their assigned afterlife, despite not being dead himself. For his phenomenal and efficient work both on the field and especially with paperwork, he was quickly promoted to "Captain of the Dead", an elaborate title for a rather mediocre job in Separ. Despite this, he used his new title as "Captain" to his advantage, demanding and promptly receiv
- Shane war in der ersten Episode der zweiten Staffel zu sehen. Sam und Carly haben sich beide sofort in ihn verguckt und gingen anfangs beide abwechselnd mit ihm aus. Nachdem sie sich wegen ihm stritten veranstalteten sie einen Wettbewerb darüber, wer mit ihm ausgehen darf. Die Aufgabe lautete: "Wer Shane zuerst küsst darf mit ihm gehen.". Das alles war natürlich ohne Shane's Wissen. Shane flüchtete als Sam und Carly sich direkt vor ihm stritten. Leider war der Fahrstuhl defekt, weshalb er den Schacht 12 Etagen hinunterfiel und im Krankenhaus landete. Als sich alle im Krankenhaus vesammelt hatten und der Arzt ging gingen sie auch in die Cafeteria, doch Carly huschte nochmal kurz in Shane's Krankenzimmer küsse ihn und flüsterte leise "gewonnen". Anschließen verließ sie das Zimmer und ging au
- You remember how there was always that weird kid in school who was never really up-to-speed in the social skills department? The kid who hardly talked, and when they did talk, usually said something that would offend people or scare them off? The kid who was universally bullied by the other kids, who then tried to justify it by saying they "deserved" it? My senior class had Shane, who was definitely one of those kids. "I'm going to Hell soon," I remember him saying to us, "I'll see all of you there." When I arrived at the meeting spot, the other two never showed up. Original author unknown