| - The term ‘Eco-luxury’ refers to the production process of economic activities that simultaneously promote a sustainable economy and high quality standards. The term ‘eco-luxury’ is used to distinguish authentically high-quality products from those based on obsolete and non-sustainable models. ‘luxury’ is not used to communicate ‘superfluous’ or merely expensive commodity but used more in the sense of the original Latin word luxus, once used to indicate an object that was more beautiful or precious than others and would stimulate admiration and appreciation. Many people do not approve of using the word ‘luxury’ in matters relating to the environment, ecology and sustainability. They prefer the word ‘quality’, but the quality inherent in a product or service relates more to the standardization and procedural transformation required to create it. In the tourism sector there has been a growth of experimental enterprises in recent years by a small group of entrepreneurs and these new activities are introducing innovative methods and approaches. They are mainly developing in those countries where nature is the main tourist attraction as in Africa, where a number of companies are also exporting new models of development to other continents such as Asia and Oceania. Companies are concentrating efforts on the fundamental aspects of environmental sustainability. These organizations consider the following prerequisites as fundamental: 1) To be ‘small’ from the structural point of view and thus avoid massive ‘invasions’ of host environments. 2) To offer luxury products with the highest quality standards. 3) To develop environmental and social sustainability. 4) To be partners in the management of reserves and parks and local communities or promoters of tourism and environmental sustainability 5) To inform guests about sustainable activities and allow them to observe the results of efforts made in this direction. 6) To ‘export’ similar projects to other areas of their region or to other countries in cooperation with governments, agencies, park commissions, natural reserves or business partners. 7) To promote sustainability in collaboration with schools, universities, etc. It is foreseen that governments and local authorities will place increasing importance on sustainable development, and not only in relation to tourism. Moreover, this will occur as a result of a growing awareness of and interest in environmental issues. However, an increase in the number of protected areas will entail an increased need for economical resources. For this reason we shall have to balance the appropriation of public funds with investment by private enterprises and partnerships which can guarantee the continuity and existence of such projects.