- Mead was an alcoholic Human beverage consisting of fermented honey. Widely popular among the Norse, this drink was favored by Harry Kim and The Doctor while playing Beowulf on the holodeck. (ST reference: Star Trek Cookbook; VOY comic: "Repercussions")
- A drink made from Honey
* Associated with Minlister by the Heortlings Source: Book of Heortling Mythology
- Mead is an alcoholic drink that, in real life, is made by mixing honey with water and fermenting it. Its alcoholicity is twice as strong as ale, and it is most commonly found in Rohirric structures.
- Mead was an alcoholic beverage fermented from honey. In the Beowulf holodeck program, King Hrothgar offered "Schweitzer" (The Doctor) some mead to fortify himself before the battle with Grendel. The Doctor politely refused. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons")
- Base Value 2 File:GoldIcon.png Effects Type FormID Mead is a common alcoholic drink found across Cyrodiil. It is a fermented alcoholic beverage made of honey, water, and yeast.
- Mead was a slightly sweet alcoholic beverage made of fermented honey. It was commonly brewed in the Northlands. Mead from the gardens of Neverwinter was available for purchase through Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue.
- Mead was an alcoholic beverage. Types of mead included:
* Arkanian sweet milk
* Ottegan mead
* Spore-mead
- Mead is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey that has been diluted by water. Mead was popularised in classical Greece and imperial Rome. It became the favourite drink of many European tribes after the fall of Rome. Mead is also a favourite drink in the wizarding world.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Mead File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Mead File:Mead.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Common Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 0 Common Speeds construction by 30 minutes, Persists through Reincarnation A sweeter alternative to beer
- Mead is an alcoholic beverage. On Earth most varieties of it are primarily made of fermented honey. The L'Borna produce a beverage which they call mead, but their version of the drink was a form of liquor. It had a golden color and was described as having a sweet and light taste with a spicy undertone by Seven of Nine. B'Elanna Torres however decribed it to have a tart, fruity-like taste. It was served in large mugs in local taverns. In 2374 B'Elanna Torres and Seven of Nine drank large quantities of the drink. Though B'Elanna was largely unaffected by what she deemed to be a "lightweight brew" Seven became extremely intoxicated by it. (JB: "Just Between Enemies")
- Mead is an alcoholic drink made with fermented honey and water. It is manufactured with yeast within a variety of containers, with the best of meads being made in wood casks. Its alcoholic content is comparable to that of wine. In a World of Warcraft-themed party onboard the RIS Bouteina, Damar was asked to keep some mead for the people who left on an away mission consisting of a game show. However, Klingons hated mead, saying that it tasted like ill-preserved bloodwine. (RIS Bouteina: "Party Quest")
- Wikipedia Article About Mead on Wikipedia Mead is a fermented alcoholic beverage made of honey, water, and yeast. It is generally pronounced "meed" (IPA: /miːd/). Meadhing (pronounced meth' ing, IPA: /ˈmɛ.ðɪŋ/) is the practice of brewing honey. Mead is also known as "honey wine," although this is inaccurate. Mead is a separate and distinct family of alcoholic beverages, completely apart from beer, wine, liqueur, and distilled beverages. Mulled mead is a popular winter holiday drink, where mead is flavoured with spices and warmed, traditionally by having a hot poker plunged into it.