| - The lovechild of Law of Conservation of Detail and Realistic Diction Is Unrealistic, Hesitation Equals Dishonesty is ubiquitous to the point of being unnoticeable. Whether engaging in Blatant Lies or making sure to Let Them Die Happy, any time a character visibly hesitates when relaying information (rather than, say, making an emotional appeal) to another character, it's even money or better that they're being dishonest, and are trying to barely avoid Saying Too Much. Examples of Hesitation Equals Dishonesty include:
| - The lovechild of Law of Conservation of Detail and Realistic Diction Is Unrealistic, Hesitation Equals Dishonesty is ubiquitous to the point of being unnoticeable. Whether engaging in Blatant Lies or making sure to Let Them Die Happy, any time a character visibly hesitates when relaying information (rather than, say, making an emotional appeal) to another character, it's even money or better that they're being dishonest, and are trying to barely avoid Saying Too Much. Since Viewers are Morons, they probably won't know that the hero's family was in fact NOT... Released to Elsewhere and that the "reward" the traitor... deserved... is in fact death without the simple and ever so subtle clue of a significant hesitation. The trope extends to videogames, even to the dialogue of the player characters: Even if Statistically Speaking the PC is an excellent liar, there's a good chance the writers will mark his Blatant Lies with the all too subtle "Why, yes.... I AM the assassin you've ordered". Sadly, belief in this in Real Life makes things even more difficult for those of us who aren't perfect communicators. Fridge Logic should indicate that the guy with the perfectly-rehearsed story is probably lying his ass off (or is extremely well-spoken, but there's a noticeable difference between the two), rather than the guy who occasionally pauses to collect his thoughts. Subtrope of You Can Always Tell a Liar. Compare Seamless Spontaneous Lie. Examples of Hesitation Equals Dishonesty include: