| - The Castellan Guard are a Space Marine Chapter based on the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy. They are direct successor's to the Ultramarines Chapter, and are thus close followers of the Codex Astartes. Their brotherhood has a long and illustrious history as stalwart protectors of humanity, specializing in all forms of defensive warfare. Recent setbacks however have stained the honor and trust of their Chapter. In a terrible incident on their own homeworld, the Chapter's Chief Librarian secretly had turned to Chaos, along with almost half of the Chapter. In a bloody civil war, the traitors were driven off, but the Castellan Guard had lost many of their loyal brothers and much of their supplies and weaponry. Now, they struggle to rebuild from their losses, and tirelessly hunt their traitor brethren, seeing that their deaths are the only way for the Chapter to redeem itself. They are also overshadowed by a dark past known only to few, about coming to blows with fellow Imperial forces from the Adeptus Ministorum itself. Although they follow the teachings of the Codex almost rigorously, they do have a few exceptions among their ranks, mainly being traditional or ceremonial, and they are not afraid to break the word of the Codex if it comes down to that, especially now that their Chapter's numbers have been virtually cut in half. The largest difference however between them and the other followers of Guilliman, is their high sport of heavy weapons and their almost sole use of ranged warfare to take down the enemy. Still, their Companies and command structure are organized as per Codex teachings.