| - In mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal, base-16, or simply hex, is a numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16, usually written using the symbols 0–9 and A–F, or a–f. For example, the decimal numeral 79, whose binary representation is 01001111, is 4F in hexadecimal (4 = 0100, F = 1111). IBM introduced the current hexadecimal system to the computing world; an earlier version, using the digits 0–9 and u–z, was introduced in 1956, and was used by the Bendix G-15 computer.
- Hexadecimal is a system of counting in base 16, not base 10 as we normally do. To count in hexadecimal, you go 00, 01, 02, 03, through to 09, 0A, 0B .. through to 0F, and then you go to 10, and so on. Early gengineers had to hex edit genomes. The largest number in hexadecimal is FF, which represents 255. See the wikipedia article for more information.
- Hexadecimal (also base 16 or hex) is a numeral numbering system with a base of 16.
- Hexadecimal is a virus of incredible power and unpredictable insanity from Lost Angles. She is the undisputed Queen of Chaos, programed to cause chaos and malfunction within a computer program. Hexadecimal's face is a white mask that changes from one expression to the other without moving her lips when she talks. It changes as frequently as her unpredictable emotions do. When it infected Megabyte, he searched out Hexadecimal and briefly rejoined to form Gigabyte. He nearly destroyed Mainframe but Bob managed to split him back into Hex, Megabyte, and the creature. (Gigabyte)
- In mathematics, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses sixteen distinct symbols, most often the symbols 0–9 to represent values zero to nine, and A, B, C, D, E, F (or alternatively a to f) to represent values ten to fifteen. For example, the hexadecimal number 2AF3 is equal, in decimal, to (2 × 163) + (10 × 162) + (15 × 161) + (3 × 160) , or 10,995.
- We commonly use a decimal or base 10 number system. We have 10 numbers (0 to 9), once you count past 9 you start over (the next number, 10 is composed of a 1 to indicate we've rolled over once, and 0 to start using the numbers again). Hexadecimal is exactly the same, with one difference, instead of using 10 numbers, it uses 16 numbers. While you could make up some new figures to represent the numbers past 9 it's a lot more convenient to just use regular letters to represent those numbers. So for the missing six numbers we can use the letters A to F.
- Hexadecimal, the self-proclaimed "Queen of Chaos", is a virus operating out of Lost Angles. She is Megabyte's sister, serving as the chaos to his order. Her origin is revealed in the fourth season. She is voiced by Shirley Millner.
| - We commonly use a decimal or base 10 number system. We have 10 numbers (0 to 9), once you count past 9 you start over (the next number, 10 is composed of a 1 to indicate we've rolled over once, and 0 to start using the numbers again). Hexadecimal is exactly the same, with one difference, instead of using 10 numbers, it uses 16 numbers. While you could make up some new figures to represent the numbers past 9 it's a lot more convenient to just use regular letters to represent those numbers. So for the missing six numbers we can use the letters A to F. So if instead of being a decimal based society, we were based on the hexadecimal system, a package of a dozen donuts would have the quantity listed as C donuts, instead of 12 donuts. With more numbers available per digit, it means that instead of having 100 possibilities with 2 digits (0 to 99) you have 256 (0 to 255) or 00 to FF. A four digit hex has 65536 possibilities (0 to 65535) or 0000 to FFFF. The windows calculator provides ready means to convert a decimal number to a hex number and a hex number to a decimal number. Under the View menu make sure Scientific is checked, then select Hex or Dec for the type of the original number. Enter the number, then click the Hex or Dec for the new number type. For example, select Dec, enter 255, click Hex, and the result will be FF.
- Hexadecimal is a virus of incredible power and unpredictable insanity from Lost Angles. She is the undisputed Queen of Chaos, programed to cause chaos and malfunction within a computer program. Hexadecimal's face is a white mask that changes from one expression to the other without moving her lips when she talks. It changes as frequently as her unpredictable emotions do. Hexadecimal lives in a large tower called her Lair, from which she rules over the island of Lost Angles, just off the coast of Mainframe. It is a place just as dangerous and chaotic as her nature. Her only true friend and servant is her familiar, Scuzzy. He acts as a spy for her, helping Hexadecimal keep an eye on everyone in Mainframe. Hexadecimal also controls all the nullified sprites of Mainframe. She often is content to leave Mainframe alone, but when she does make her presence known it is more devastating than any other threat Mainframe ever faces. Although there is no direct reference to this, some consider Hexadecimal to be a super virus because of her incredible viral powers and transfinite power reserves. Hexadecimal does have some abilities that some Super Viruses lack. Hex can create portals on her own, and she can destroy a firewall with little effort. Hexadecimal was born from the super virus Gigabyte. When the scientist Welman Matrix activated his new experiment, the Gateway Command, it brought Gigabyte to Mainframe's Twin City. He damaged the Gateway and it exploded, destroying the city and splitting Gigabyte into two new viruses, Hexadecimal and her brother Megabyte. Gigabyte's transfinite power reserves, teleportation, ability to fly, portal forming abilities, and many other powers went to Hexadecimal. Megabyte received Gigabytes intelligent mind. He would love to control his sisters amazing power. Megabyte tried to delete Hexadecimal with a delete command inside a mask like hers. Scuzzy found out about this plan and told Hex. When Bob delivered the mask she forced the mask on his face and threw him across the city toward Megabyte's tower to delete her brother with his own explosive. (Racing the Clock) Later, she agreed to a short partnership with Megabyte. He thought he was fooling her in order to steal one of her powerful weapons, the Medusa. In fact she tricked him into stealing it so he would activate the device. The viral bug quickly infected Megabyte turning him to stone, moving on to the rest of Mainframe. After the entire city was turned to stone Bob, thinking quickly, thanked Hex for making it so predictable, peace and quiet. Once she realized his point, Hex could not tolerate the fact that she had created peace and order, and she quickly snapped her fingers and restored the city to normal. (The Medusa Bug) Hexadecimal helped Megabyte gain access to the Principal Office by creating a fake Upgrade. She used her powers to light up the sky and make Mainframe think the Upgrade was on its way. This was in return for 50/50 control of the city. (Infected) Hexadecimal entered an artistic stage and decided to paint Mainframe. She broke into the cities Archives with little effort, destroying the security system. Once inside, she infected the System Paint Program and made it so she could run it off of an alias in her Lair. She completely repainted all of Mainframe and turned Phong and Megabyte into paintings in the sky. Hex also took out all communication and transport systems in order to keep Bob from stopping her. Bob went to her Lair with Mike the TV, pretending they were there to interview her. She gladly let them in, saving them from being eaten by a size-increased Scuzzy. Bob managed to get away during the interview and undo all Hexadecimal's painting. Hex tried to stop Bob, but he used the paint program to remove her mask, incapacitating her. It was subsequently revealed that the mask was the only thing keeping Hexadecimal's power under control and without it, she would overload in order to prevent this from occurring Bob had Glitch cut/paste Hex her mask back. Due to her near-death experience, Hexadecimal was left fragile and weak. Because of this, Bob asked Mike to stay and look after her with Scuzzy. (Painted Windows) Hexadecimal soon recovered and had her new pet, Mike, show her TV. At one point, he put on an opera with a singing diva, and the high pitched voice shattered Hexadecimal's Looking Glass. It opened a small opening to the Web, allowing a baby Web Creature to come through and infect her. The Nulls she controls attacked her in order to protect Mainframe from the Web Creature. They formed Nullzilla, a giant monster made of Nulls. Mainframe battled the monster and caused the Nulls to leave, finding Hex in the center. She was weak, but fine. The Creature went to infect Megabyte. (Nullzilla) When it infected Megabyte, he searched out Hexadecimal and briefly rejoined to form Gigabyte. He nearly destroyed Mainframe but Bob managed to split him back into Hex, Megabyte, and the creature. (Gigabyte) The Web Creature grew up and eventually formed a portal to the Web. Hexadecimal agreed to help close the portal and save Mainframe. Megabyte built the Hardware to close the portal, Phong supplied the software to run it, and Hex would power the device. Mouse hacked into the Web to erase Mainframe's location. Megabyte grew impatient with Mouse and kept asking if she was ready. Mouse said she was working as fast as she could, and to just tell the witch to be ready. Hexadecimal said, "I heard that! What a sweet thing to say." Just before they closed the portal, Megabyte put Bob into a missile. Hex stopped Mouse from stopping Megabyte, and he shot Bob into the portal, and then closed it. Mouse and Dot narrowly escaped from the Hardware. Hexadecimal joined Megabyte in contacting the Principal Office and informing them of their victory over Bob. They ordered Phong to lower the Principal Office shields and for the city leaders to surrender to them. (Web World Wars)
- In mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal, base-16, or simply hex, is a numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16, usually written using the symbols 0–9 and A–F, or a–f. For example, the decimal numeral 79, whose binary representation is 01001111, is 4F in hexadecimal (4 = 0100, F = 1111). IBM introduced the current hexadecimal system to the computing world; an earlier version, using the digits 0–9 and u–z, was introduced in 1956, and was used by the Bendix G-15 computer.
- Hexadecimal, the self-proclaimed "Queen of Chaos", is a virus operating out of Lost Angles. She is Megabyte's sister, serving as the chaos to his order. Her origin is revealed in the fourth season. She is voiced by Shirley Millner. She and Megabyte were once one virus (Kilobyte), who was scheduled for deletion by the Guardians, but upgraded to Gigabyte before it could be carried out. He mortally wounded Bob's partner and moved in toward Bob before being accidentally teleported away by Welman Matrix's gateway device. The results were devastating: the destruction of Mainframe's twin city (creating Lost Angles), everyone present being nullified (including Welman, who became Nibbles), and Gigabyte being split into Megabyte and Hexadecimal. Upon being separated, Hexadecimal observed her surroundings and (with a mask change) exclaimed, "I like it here!". Hexadecimal is melodramatic and extremely emotional, able to switch emotions by a simple wave of her hand (which changes the mask she wears, and her emotions along with it). The masks change constantly in a slew of different ways, usually while obscured from the home viewer. Episodes 1 and 10 of season 2, and episode 4 of season 3 showed her mask changing on screen in an instant. She has transfinite power reserves, meaning that she has near limitless stores of energy to draw from, and as such, is quite powerful herself. Her powers include energy beams and fireballs, altering gravity (once causing Bob to stop and hover in midair) and being able to fly, shrugging off severe damage and controlling nulls (sprites downgraded to slug-like status for losing to the User in a game). She also has the power to open a portal to the net or web in her "looking glass", and has also been seen taking control of system programs like the system paint program. It is suggested that her powers are near infinite, but because of her madness she is unable to use them for anything constructive. Her vast collection of masks serve to show her facial expression, thereby giving her a harlequin-like appearance. The expressions shown in these masks can range from happy, sad, scheming, and even homicidal rage. These masks also hold her power in check. When removed (as in the episode "Painted Windows"), her power escapes and continues to do damage to her environment, and she will overload and be destroyed if the mask is not replaced. She is a benign virus, meaning she does not infect other entities. Instead, her primary motive is to simply cause random chaos for fun (and also to kill Megabyte, who kept trying to kill her, likely due to simple sibling rivalry). Due to her power and insanity, her fun nearly always led to Mainframe crashing. She even once nearly caused it unwittingly, when a Web Creature emerged from her mirror and possessed her. All of the nulls sensed this danger and covered her completely. The giant "Nullzilla" monster went on a rampage, as (according to Dot) the possessed-Hexadecimal was trying to escape. Eventually Bob the Guardian defragmented her coding, which "healed" her insanity, merging all her "expression masks" into a normal face as well as altering her outfit from mostly red to white. She was issued a System Icon, which effectively made her a system-protected "citizen of Mainframe". Out of gratitude she not only developed an intense romantic interest in Bob, but to undo the larger danger of the super-virus Daemon, she spread herself onto the net to undo Daemon's internet damage. Ultimately successful, she is presumed decompiled and deceased. Certainly she faced the risks of her decision as a suicidal sacrifice for the greater good, her last action that of a hero.
- In mathematics, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses sixteen distinct symbols, most often the symbols 0–9 to represent values zero to nine, and A, B, C, D, E, F (or alternatively a to f) to represent values ten to fifteen. For example, the hexadecimal number 2AF3 is equal, in decimal, to (2 × 163) + (10 × 162) + (15 × 161) + (3 × 160) , or 10,995. Each hexadecimal digit represents four binary digits (bits) (also called a "nibble"), and the primary use of hexadecimal notation is as a human-friendly representation of binary coded values in computing and digital electronics. For example, byte values can range from 0 to 255 (decimal) but may be more conveniently represented as two hexadecimal digits in the range 00 through FF. Hexadecimal is also commonly used to represent computer memory addresses.
- Hexadecimal is a system of counting in base 16, not base 10 as we normally do. To count in hexadecimal, you go 00, 01, 02, 03, through to 09, 0A, 0B .. through to 0F, and then you go to 10, and so on. Early gengineers had to hex edit genomes. The largest number in hexadecimal is FF, which represents 255. See the wikipedia article for more information.
- Hexadecimal (also base 16 or hex) is a numeral numbering system with a base of 16.