The Descent is a 2005 British horror film written and directed by Neil Marshall, director of Dog Soldiers and Doomsday. The film follows a group of six women who embark on a caving expedition and become trapped underground after a cave-in. Things go from bad to worse when they discover that the cave is home to predatory, humanoid creatures (known as "Crawlers"). As the Crawlers hunt them down, the girls embark on a struggle to survive and escape the cave - but that's not their only problem, as the friends' trust in each other slowly begins to deteriorate in the tense, claustrophobic environment. A sequel, The Descent Part 2, was released in December 2009.
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| - The Descent is a 2005 British horror film written and directed by Neil Marshall, director of Dog Soldiers and Doomsday. The film follows a group of six women who embark on a caving expedition and become trapped underground after a cave-in. Things go from bad to worse when they discover that the cave is home to predatory, humanoid creatures (known as "Crawlers"). As the Crawlers hunt them down, the girls embark on a struggle to survive and escape the cave - but that's not their only problem, as the friends' trust in each other slowly begins to deteriorate in the tense, claustrophobic environment. A sequel, The Descent Part 2, was released in December 2009.
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| - The Descent is a 2005 British horror film written and directed by Neil Marshall, director of Dog Soldiers and Doomsday. The film follows a group of six women who embark on a caving expedition and become trapped underground after a cave-in. Things go from bad to worse when they discover that the cave is home to predatory, humanoid creatures (known as "Crawlers"). As the Crawlers hunt them down, the girls embark on a struggle to survive and escape the cave - but that's not their only problem, as the friends' trust in each other slowly begins to deteriorate in the tense, claustrophobic environment. A sequel, The Descent Part 2, was released in December 2009. Has nothing to do with the video game series Descent. Nor the novel The Descent by Jeff Long, although there are certainly similarities. Was released almost simultaneously with two nigh-identical films; The Cave and The Cavern.