| - Insomnia is a Psychological Thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan (Memento, The Dark Knight) and starring Al Pacino (Scarface), Robin Williams (One Hour Photo), and Hilary Swank (Million Dollar Baby). The American film, released by Warner Brothers in 2002, is a remake of a 1997 Norwegian film of the same name. The remake was a financial success both in the U.S. and abroad, and it received high praise from critics. Not to be confused with the Stephen King novel Insomnia, or the gaming/philosophy website, or the Legend of Zelda fanfic Insomnia.
| - Insomnia is a Psychological Thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan (Memento, The Dark Knight) and starring Al Pacino (Scarface), Robin Williams (One Hour Photo), and Hilary Swank (Million Dollar Baby). The American film, released by Warner Brothers in 2002, is a remake of a 1997 Norwegian film of the same name. The remake was a financial success both in the U.S. and abroad, and it received high praise from critics. "White Night" (or "The Midnight Sun") is a phenomenon in which the sun is still visible after midnight in settlements near the Arctic Circle -- in some cases, it won't set for months at a time. It is during this season when the savagely beaten body of a local 17-year-old girl is found in Nightmute, a quiet Alaskan town whose only claim to fame is the title of "Halibut Fishing Capitol of the World". The vicious nature of the killing and the meticulous manner in which the body was cleaned has confounded the local police, who soon realize that they need help. Will Dormer (Pacino), a legendary detective from the Robbery and Homicide division of the Los Angeles Police Department, is flown to Nightmute to assist the locals in tracking down the girl's killer. With his partner in tow -- and with the assistance of a local rookie named Ellie Burr (Swank) -- Dormer uses his wealth of experience with violent crimes to find leads that could bring the case to a swift end. All is not right with Detective Dormer, however: an Internal Affairs investigation back home has put his division under pressure, and the threat of his partner cutting a deal could put his entire career in jeopardy. The stress of the investigation combines with an extreme case of insomnia (brought on by the White Nights) and begins to overwhelm Dormer; as he goes several days without sleep, the lines between fantasy and reality start to blur, leaving him to question the sins of his past and the bleak prospect of his future. Little does he know that the man he's been hunting is watching him closely, and one tragic mistake is all the killer will need to exploit the detective's weakness... Not to be confused with the Stephen King novel Insomnia, or the gaming/philosophy website, or the Legend of Zelda fanfic Insomnia.