| - Hades walks into his room on the S.S. Fan Johnathon Hades: It will feel so good to take a break from running the Brotherhood for a week and just settle down on this ship. A pool, shuffleboard, sea-food buffet... everything you could ask for... wait, what the h**l are you and what are you doing on my bed? Mack: Your bed? This is my *&$##$$^$%& room you &%^*%$%$^$%$# %$$^$#$%^%#$! And I am a Moogle! Hades: Holy... look, I don't know what the h**l a Moogle is, but it doesn't belong on my bed! Mack: That's it, I'm going to check out the shuffleboard deck! Meanwhile... Mack walks by Scribble walks by
| - Hades walks into his room on the S.S. Fan Johnathon Hades: It will feel so good to take a break from running the Brotherhood for a week and just settle down on this ship. A pool, shuffleboard, sea-food buffet... everything you could ask for... wait, what the h**l are you and what are you doing on my bed? Mack: Your bed? This is my *&$##$$^$%& room you &%^*%$%$^$%$# %$$^$#$%^%#$! And I am a Moogle! Hades: Holy... look, I don't know what the h**l a Moogle is, but it doesn't belong on my bed! Mack: That's it, I'm going to check out the shuffleboard deck! Hades: What in Gagmier's name was that all about? Meanwhile... Mack walks by Cortez: Why did I even book this miserable cruise! Look at this ship! it is swarming with weird creatures! Scribble walks by Cortez: Urgh. This is going to be a long week. Meanwhile... PalmMan: This is going to be a great vacation. MineMan accidentally bumps into him MineMan: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- Both: YOU! Meanwhile... Dashed Koopa: Ooh! The pool! Troy runs past, knocking down Dashed. Dashed: Hey, watch where you're going, jerk! Troy turns and flips off Dashed Later in the dining hall... Andy Pasta uses his power to levitae spaghetti to him Esarbee: Oooooh... shrimp... crab... lobster... I'm in heaven! Lemmykoopa24: I hate seafood! Lavora walks up to Troy Lavora: Hey, cutie! Troy's eyes gravitate towards Lavora's chest Troy: Muh... Indi555 comes out with a microphone Indi: Hello, and welcome to night one of our cruise on the S.S. Fan! We hope you'll enjoy our food tonight, so eat up! Everyone starts eating 10 minutes later... Indi: Good! Everyone is sleeping like a baby! He pulls out his cell phone, which is ringing Indi: Hello? ???: We are almost to the island, sir. Indi: Exellent. I'll be ready in 5 minutes. He hangs up. Later... Mack: Ugh, my d**m head... wha the $&^$$^^$$%$! He looks around to see himself on a beach surrounded by debris Mack: Oh s**t.