| - Hermana de Jacob y Rachel (mellizas) hija de Billy y Sarah (fallecida) Se caso y queria formar una familia, por ello debio irse de la reserva y del lado de su familia. Dejo a Jacob siendo pequeño y a Rachel al cargo de su padre Billy, pese al dolor que esto le causo.
- Jointly authored by the almost hard-working semi-geniuses at ARK Music Factory, and by Black's proud parents who paid $4000 so she could make a video, Black's cultural satire in pop music featuring the innocence and gullibility of a 13-year-old girl has proven an unnatural success. Black now represents the Los Angeles Dadaist movement, which acts in direct competition with its New York counterpart which is highlighted by the Fountain by Marcel Duchamp and the Late Show with David Letterman. Her "popularization by viral video" of the song Friday starting in mid-March, 2011, marks a rebirth of dadaism and a watershed in human culture.
- Rebecca Black. The singer of Friday and a bunch of other songs that no one listens to. Rebecca Black is the lesbian daughter of Broly and Elsa. She was raised to be the next Legendary Super Saiyan, but she decided to start singing a bunch of crappy songs. She made millions from her Friday music video and from iTunes sales. She is opposed to Viacom Inc., and she tried to kill Fred Figglehorn and Skodwarde. She moved to Canada (her mother's worst enemy). She became a Bungholian when she moved to Canada. She registered as a member of the The Wumbo Party She became friends with Big G's bratty daughter Mars.
- Rebecca Black (nebo také Robota Black či White) a na Slovensku známá pod jménem Sviňa čierná pojebená je vůbec historicky první, bohužel nepovedený, hybrid robota s člověkem. Vznikla v laboratořích NASA s pomocnou výchovou soudruhů z KLDR. Původním jménem Rebeka White. Po její matce Lucii Bílé. Celý tento projekt je pod záštitou, koho jíného než, Chucka Norrise. Jejího antitalentu si všimla jedna emerická společnost, která chtěla vydělat miliardy, bohužel po vydání singlu Wednesday (též pod názvem Friday) tato společnost ihned zkrachovala.
- Rebecca Black (born June 21, 1997) is a teenage singer best known for her infamous music video "Friday", which was once the most disliked video on YouTube. The latter video has since been taken down by Black, either due to a "copyright claim" by herself, or out of so much humiliation and ridicule by internet users who reacted harshly to her song. However, she unblocked the video on her channel several months later.
- No body liked the song and she went into hiding. She is said to be hiding in the HQ of Kra Music Factory in Monte Carlo . However, many people have said that Acceber had been in a car accident in the official music video of Friday. Since nobody wanted to watch the entire music video, nobody knows.
- Jacob's sister. We don't really see her in the story. No one knows why Meyer even created her (or a lot of other minor characters). In fact she seems to be there just to deny Jacob's idiocy, but it doesn't help. According to one of the books, she got married. No one really cares; after all, she's human (and not Bella). Why could Jacob possibly care about one of his older sisters when he has a baby to take care of? Oh well, at least Meyer didn't have the chance to ruin her, as she wasn't relevant long enough.