Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau, born in 419 HE as Alanna of Trebond (a-LAH-nah of tray-BOND / oh-LAU), was the only daughter of the late Alan of Trebond and the late Marinie of Tasride. Alanna is the first female knight in Tortall in over a century. She was enlisted by the gods, namely the Great Mother Goddess, in order to stop Duke Roger and his associates. She became a hero and a legend by stopping Duke Roger, finding and retrieving the Dominion Jewel, and becoming the first woman knight in a century. She became the first female King's Champion in known history, and was a fully realized and able warrior as well as a fully realized and able mage. She specialized mostly in healing magics, but used battle magics when necessary. Because of the rearing lioness that was put on her shield, s