| - The Football Helmet is a headwear item for the Heavy. It is a plastic, team-colored football helmet with a yellow-orange stripe down the center and a white one-bar facemask.
- The Football Helmet is a clothing item that is sold at Furi Fashion in Moshi Monsters.
- The Football Helmet is a type of clothing featured in The Last Stand: Dead Zone. It's a protective helmet worn by tackle, full-contact football players, hence the name.
- The football helmet returns again in Plants vs. Zombies 2 as All-Star Zombie's headwear. However, it is no longer considered defensive armor as it is now just a part of the zombie's head. Because of this, it is unable to be attracted to the Magnet-shroom. The football helmet makes a comeback in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare and its sequel as the All-Star's default headgear. Its appearance is more or less identical to the first game.
- One of the first instances of football headgear dates to 1896 when Lafayette College halfback George "Rose" Barclay began to use straps and earpieces to protect his ears. Many sources give credit for creation of the helmet to James Naismith. Additionally, other sources credit the invention of the football helmet to U.S. Naval Academy Midshipman Joseph M. Reeves (later to become the "Father of Carrier Aviation"), who had a protective device for his head made out of mole skin to allow him to play in the 1893 Army-Navy game. Later helmets were made of padded leather, and resembled aviators' helmets or modern day scrum caps. In professional football, at least, they were also optional. Some National Football League players, notably Hall-of-Famer Bill Hewitt, played all or most of their careers