| - Charlie Sheen and his partner Lindsay Lohan are attacked in their home by paranormal forces. Lindsay becomes possessed by the monster and then kills Charlie. Charlie's three kids are reported missing and a reward is announced for their safe return. Several months later, Snoop Dogg and Mac Miller are in the Humbolt County woods in search of illegally-grown cannibis plants to steal. After stealing one and fleeing, they take shelter in a cabin in the woods. Upon entering they see three strange creatures, later confirmed to be Charlie's kids, and turn them in for the reward. The feral children are placed in isolation at a child development research center for a few months until they are deemed well enough to be returned to familial custody. When Charlie's brother, Dan Sanders and his wife Jody come to collect them, they are told they can have them if they agree to stay in a large suburban middle-class home fitted with security cameras. Jody is reluctant to take the kids at first but soon adjusts to having them. In an attempt to bond with their new children, Jody auditions for a ballet performance, Swan Lake, and is cast in the lead role as the Swan Queen. Meanwhile, a continuing pattern of bizarre paranormal activity in their new home makes them investigate further. They eventually learn from the children that the attacks on their home are by "Mama", the mother of the children, who is under a curse and is trying to get them back so she can sacrifice both herself and the children. Maria, the couple's Hispanic live-in maid, is frightened and keeps experimenting with various rituals, Catholic and otherwise, to ward off the evil spirits in the house. During the day, Dan is frustrated with the modest progress of his test subjects at a primate intelligence research facility; ironically, Dan is not bright enough to realize that one of the chimpanzees, Ceaser, is now actually much smarter than him. Jody and Dan, with the help of Jody's close friend Kendra, must find a way to lift the curse and save their family. Along the way, they seek the assistance of psychic Blane Fulda, who turns out to be a complete fraud, and a dream extractor named Dom Kolb, who helps them understand that the solution to their problems lies in the mysterious Book of the Dead. However, Jody and Kendra fail to see what the book is capable of, oblivious to five friends continuously becoming possessed, wrecking havoc and reviving in the cabin, whenever either of the two read the two passages of the book. Meanwhile, Caesar reads the book while he's in the bathroom, and finds out about "Mama's" plan to sacrifice the children and goes to warn Dan and Jodi. However, as he rushes in to check on the baby, "Mama" frames him to look like he was trying to harm the baby so that he doesn't interfere with her plans. Caesar is knocked unconscious by Jodi and Dan has animal control take him away. It's at that moment that Caesar says his first words, "Get me out!" Suddenly realizing he can talk, Caesar gets another surprise when he finds out that the driver of the animal control truck is another super intelligent chimp named Steve. He says to Steve that Dan has a mad demon in his house, but Steve thinks that he's talking about Matt Damon, much to Caesar's annoyance. When "Mama" takes the children to a cliff to sacrifice them, Jody fails to lift the curse with the book, but does manage to knock the evil spirit into Snoop Dogg and Mac Miller's pool containing a live shark, which then devours her. Realizing the love for her adopted children is all she needs in life, Jody gives the part of the Swan Queen to Kendra, who performs the dance in the style to that of a stripper. The performance is heavily applauded by an audience that includes Jody, Dan, the children, Caesar, and Madea. After the credits, it is revealed that Charlie was having a dream with Dom Kolb supervising him. Lindsay crashes her car into the room, killing Charlie and blames it on Kolb.