| - Activation of the ejection system typically required security clearance by the chief engineer or a senior officer. This tactic is generally considered to be a last ditch effort to save a ship during a crisis situation and is often unreliable at best. In the alternate reality of 2258, the USS Enterprise ejected and detonated several of its warp cores in order to boost the ship out of the gravitational pull of a black hole created with red matter. (Star Trek) In early 2372, the USS Defiant's ejection system failed after a power surge triggered a core breach. The excess power was eventually drained via the deflector array, averting the breach. (DS9: "The Visitor") Also in 2372, the True Way sabotaged the USS Orinoco by removing the warp core ejection system, leaving the crew unable to stop a warp core breach which later destroyed the vessel. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir") The USS Enterprise-E ejected its warp core in 2375 to seal a subspace tear created by a isolytic burst. (Star Trek: Insurrection) USS Voyager's warp core was ejected on several occasions:
* In 2371 by B'Elanna Torres, under the influence of the consciousness of Chakotay, to prevent Voyager entering a dark-matter nebula. (VOY: "Cathexis")
* In 2374, after a stream of tachyons triggered a core overload. The core was captured by the Caatati, but later recovered. (VOY: "Day of Honor")
* The Silver Blood USS Voyager was forced to eject its warp core shortly before its destruction in 2375. The ejection allows the ship to drop out of warp, but caused further damage to the already disintegrating vessel. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
* The Doctor as the Emergency Command Hologram had the ability to order a core ejection. In 2378, he did so in order to pay for Captain Janeway's release from the Hierarchy. (VOY: "Renaissance Man") In 2377, the Delta Flyer II ejected its core, after problems with the ejection subroutines, to avert an antimatter explosion from destroying the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally. (VOY: "Drive") de:Notfallausstoß des Warpkerns
- The warp core ejection system was a emergency system designed to eject a starship's warp core from the vessel to prevent a warp core breach from destroying the vessel. The process usually requires authorisation from a high ranking officer on the vessel.