| - Another term used for this idea include Great White Brotherhood; other terms used less often for this concept are: the Communion of Saints (where the "saints" are thought of as being the Masters), the Elder Brothers of the Race, the Council of Light, the Society of Illumined Minds, the Planetary Center of Love-Wisdom, The Kingdom of the Gods, the Spiritual Kingdom, the Kingdom of [Advanced] Souls, the Secret Chiefs, or the Mystical Body of Christ (when used in a New Age sense centering on Maitreya and not in the Roman Catholic sense). The Hierarchy is, according to Benjamin Creme, "... made up of the Masters and Initiates of all degrees and whose purpose is to implement the Plan of God", referred to by Alice A. Bailey as the Plan of the Masters.
| - Another term used for this idea include Great White Brotherhood; other terms used less often for this concept are: the Communion of Saints (where the "saints" are thought of as being the Masters), the Elder Brothers of the Race, the Council of Light, the Society of Illumined Minds, the Planetary Center of Love-Wisdom, The Kingdom of the Gods, the Spiritual Kingdom, the Kingdom of [Advanced] Souls, the Secret Chiefs, or the Mystical Body of Christ (when used in a New Age sense centering on Maitreya and not in the Roman Catholic sense). The Hierarchy is, according to Benjamin Creme, "... made up of the Masters and Initiates of all degrees and whose purpose is to implement the Plan of God", referred to by Alice A. Bailey as the Plan of the Masters. Neo-Theosophy and the Ascended Master Teachings are syncretic religions which combine religious concepts from and deities from primarily Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism and to some degree from other religions, as well their own unique deities.