| - Commodore Data, commander of the USS Enterprise-F, is on the Forever World to visit the Guardian of Forever. He views Captain James T. Kirk along with his crew leaving Forever World after Kirk allowed Edith Keeler to die in the past in order to prevent altering history. Data wishes to touch and speak with the Guardian and so obtains the necessary permission from Mary Mac, an Orion scientist employed on Forever World. Chapter Two Admiral William T. Riker, commander of Starbase 86, receives a visit from his second-in-command, Lieutenant Dexter. Dexter informs him that the surveying ship Chance will be stopping at the base next week, that Starfleet is complaining that the base is not processing its 1021-JKQ forms rapidly enough, and that Riker has a personal communique from Betazed. Lwaxana Troi is dying and wishes to see Riker. Starfleet Command has sent the Hood, commanded by Captain Wesley Crusher to transport Riker to Betazed. Chapter Three Data and the Enterprise Science Officer Lieutenant Blair share a meal with the six scientists posted on Forever World. Answering a question of Data's, Mary Mac notes that Mar Loc has not been seen in a few days. Mary Mac and her assistant Harry relate a story of how research done at Forever World has recently led to the end of centuries of warfare between two planets: Gamma Delta and Gamma Origii. Mary Mac then tells Data she has something very interesting to show him. It is later revealed that she has learned that the death of Counselor Deanna Troi at the Sindareen peace conference was a 'focal point' in the timeline. Chapter Four Wesley Crusher, now Captain of the Hood, discusses the past with Riker. Chapter Five Upon arriving at Betazed, Riker and Crusher beam down and encounter Wendy Roper, now Wendy Berq, who mentions that her father, (Mark Roper) died about ten years earlier. Riker, Crusher, and Wendy, enter the Troi home and are greeted by Mr. Homn. The home is filled with furniture and memorabilia, although Lwaxana's bedroom is completely empty except for the bed which she is in. Riker apologizes to her, but just as she is dying, Lwaxana grabs him by the throat telling Riker that Deanna's death was his fault and that he should have saved her. Chapter Six Riker attends Lwaxana's funeral as she is entombed in the Troi mausoleum next to her daughter, Deanna. Crusher and the Hood prepare to leave as Riker reveals that he will be staying on Betazed as Lwaxana's will dictated that he is to go through her memorabilia and catalog it. Crusher asks how Deanna dies and Riker prepares to tell him the whole story.