| - Ogryns are massive brutes whose immense strength is legendary throughout the Imperium. Ogryns' combat role tends to be as close assault troops where their bulk, determination and considerable lack of imaginations gives them a considerable advantage. They thunder inro the enemy troops smashing the 'little 'uns' to a paste with broad swings of their stocky weapons. They can survive a score of wounds that would fell a normal man and shrug off small-arms fire as if were nothing more than a bothersome sump-fly. Ogryns are dim-witted thugs who respond to any and all threats with overwhelming power and extreme violence, whether it is required or not.
- "The common Ogryn is large and physically powerful, but lacking in intellect or insight. Their physique is their primary advantage, as soldiers and labourers, but their dull-witted nature and simple obedience make them enthusiastic servants of Him-on-Terra, as loyal bodyguards and willing enforcers. Indeed, their unquestioning obedience makes them almost incorruptible, mainly because they lack the wit to even understand corruption."
- The adaptation to the high-gravity environment as described above is the reason for the Ogryns' thick skin, powerfully muscular build and resulting monstrous size. Though their adaptations led them to increase in physical size and strength, the Ogryns' intelligence declined to below average human levels. As the planetary conditions (barren, cold, little food and long periods of starvation) that caused their mutation required only primitive survival instincts, part of their adaptation involved the loss of the ability for more complex intellectual thought since philosophical matters were unnecessary in an environment marked by starvation and a constant fight for life. Ogryns are said to be even less intelligent than some Orks. However, the truth is that their intellects did not actually devo
| - The adaptation to the high-gravity environment as described above is the reason for the Ogryns' thick skin, powerfully muscular build and resulting monstrous size. Though their adaptations led them to increase in physical size and strength, the Ogryns' intelligence declined to below average human levels. As the planetary conditions (barren, cold, little food and long periods of starvation) that caused their mutation required only primitive survival instincts, part of their adaptation involved the loss of the ability for more complex intellectual thought since philosophical matters were unnecessary in an environment marked by starvation and a constant fight for life. Ogryns are said to be even less intelligent than some Orks. However, the truth is that their intellects did not actually devolve, but became much more focused on matters such as survival. Ogryns are claustrophobic, which means that they can only with great difficulty be loaded into armoured carrier vehicles to be transported to the battlefield, and can only ride in vehicles if a commanding officer is present. As many as half a squad may be mounted on a Chimera. This slightly slows their deployment speed. The Tithes Chamber Notaries, sub. Planetary Census (Abhuman) is a sub-division of the Adeptus Administratum that oversees the classification and recognition of stable Abhuman strains within the Imperium. Of these, forty-six types are now listed as extinct, and no records have been received of a further twelve strains for over a generation, suggesting that they too have died out or been assimilated back into the general population of Mankind. The status of the remaining fifteen Abhuman races is quite varied and there is permanent disagreement about their specific classification amongst the Adepts of the Tithes Chamber Notaries. The most noteworthy and contentious matter concerning the Adepts is the Ogryn matrix of Abhuman strains. This complex group is currently officially listed as seven distinct types (Alpha, Theta, Type IV, Type VIIA, H.S. gigantus gigantus, H.S. gigantus cranopus and the mysterious Grey Ogryns), but many in the Chamber doubt that these are all separate subspecies, and yet another official revision of the classification is therefore pending -- in a few standard decades.
- Ogryns are massive brutes whose immense strength is legendary throughout the Imperium. Ogryns' combat role tends to be as close assault troops where their bulk, determination and considerable lack of imaginations gives them a considerable advantage. They thunder inro the enemy troops smashing the 'little 'uns' to a paste with broad swings of their stocky weapons. They can survive a score of wounds that would fell a normal man and shrug off small-arms fire as if were nothing more than a bothersome sump-fly. Ogryns are dim-witted thugs who respond to any and all threats with overwhelming power and extreme violence, whether it is required or not.
- "The common Ogryn is large and physically powerful, but lacking in intellect or insight. Their physique is their primary advantage, as soldiers and labourers, but their dull-witted nature and simple obedience make them enthusiastic servants of Him-on-Terra, as loyal bodyguards and willing enforcers. Indeed, their unquestioning obedience makes them almost incorruptible, mainly because they lack the wit to even understand corruption."