| - Mifune Hirayama Oda Tetsumi (三船哲, Tetsumi Mifune) is a highly world renown Samurai who is currently Leading the Land of Iron . Mifune has been General ever since the time of the Previous General Mifune. He was the one who introduced the Samurai ranking system at a small age of 25 only several years after he became a Fully fledged Samurai. Mifune was a sole survivor of an event in the land of Iron named the Tetsumi Purge In which the Tetsumi clan was becoming unfathomable with powerful it was making the other clans jealous and they all joined forces to destroy the Tetsumi clan, Mifune however was one of the only few survivors to escape and continued living. Mifune was given the accolade of the Bladed fang of the North (北刃牙, Kitahaga) Due to residence within the most north part of the Land of Iron when in the Tetsumi clan before the Tetsumi Purge. During the Tetsumi purge Mifune managed to escape with his brother, being at a young age of seven Mifune was forced to take his first life. It was from what point on Mifune was a killer, the taste, scent and sight of blood thrilled his body, It soothed his sences with every kill. The smell of blood engulfed his senses with something undescribable, he enjoyed killing and often slaughtered entire clans who once rebelled against the Tetsumi. Being the Current General of the Land of Iron, Mifune's skills in Kenjutsu are said to be the best of all the lands, having trained with a sword since he was a mere child, his skill can only be imagined byShinobi who use weapons. His skills have been shown when Mifune created two of his own uniqueKenjutsu stances, the Kensuton and the Tetsu Okami Dansu, both are two of Mifune's most fierce techniques not only for Mifune, but also across the Lands, being near the pinicle of Sword Arts Mifune has been given Flee on Sight Orders if anyone were to come across him in battle. Scattered with the horrors of his past, Mifune, despite being general is frowned upon for what he once was. Some saying during several years he turned into a demon which terroised the lands. His thrist for blood was growing day by day, he yearned for the scent, aroused for the sight of blood cascading down the metal of his blade. He was one of the largest Fears across the Samurai nation. Those brave enough to face the wrath of Mifune were left dead underneath the crimson snow. Tainted with blood