| - Thorium was an element that was one of three elements needed for proper functioning of the Doctor's TARDIS. The planet Fragrance was rich in this element. (AUDIO: The Fragile Yellow Arc of Fragrance) File:StubTab.png
- Known as Thorium. This is how you buy premium items such as premium ships and heavy weapons. The equation is simple: 1 Th = 10 Cr
- Thorium is a Chemical element with the symbol Th and the Atomic number 90. It is naturally occurring and slightly radioactive. Thorium is a pure, silvery-white metal that retains luster for several months. Thorium can slowly tarnish in the air when exposed to oxygen. This process is oxidation, similar to that of the rusting of iron, but instead of forming Iron-oxide (rust), it forms Thorium dioxide. Thorium dioxide has the highest Melting point of all the oxides. Thorium is also an actinide. It is an alternative fuel in nuclear energy to Uranium. Thorium was also named after Thor, the Norse god of Thunder.
- Thorium is a naturally occurring, slightly radioactive metal. It is estimated to be about three to four times more abundant than uranium. It has been considered a waste product in mining rare earths, so its abundance is high and cost low.
- Thorium ist sehr mächtiges Metall, welches ein Teil der Materialien ist, aus denen die gefürchteten Sturmhämmer der Greifenreiter bestehen. Es ist hart, widerstandsfähig gegen Witterung und sehr selten aufzufinden. Die Thoriumbruderschaft hat sich nach diesem Metall benannt. Anmerkung: Das Element Thorium ist anscheinend nach dem nordischen Gott Thor benannt Kategorie:Metall und Stein
- Thorium (von deutsch "Thor" oder "Volltrottel") ist ein beliebtes Element für verrückte Wissenschaftler und Teenager. Der Berühmteste unter ihnen ist wohl David Hahn, der einen eigenen Brutreaktor daraus bauen wollte. (See Backyard Reactor, How to build an Atomic Bomb for reference)
- Le Thorium est une matière utilisé dans la fabrication de piles.
- [Source] Thorium was a substance which could be used to make batteries. When the former Imperial Sinjir Rath Velus began drinking a bottle of liquor he found in the home of Esmelle, the flavor was coppery and tasted like Velus had just licked a thorium battery.
- Thorium is a radioactive metal (atomic number 90, natural form Thorium-232) used in a synthesized liquid form as the poison for The Norseman device. The 'standard' form of thorium has radon-220 gas, which is poisonous, as one of its decay products. Presumably the Norseman takes its name at least in part from the god of thunder (Thor) element involved.
- Thorium is a chemical element (atomic number 90). Although it is radioactive, the alpha-particles it emits cannot penetrate the skin and cannot cause radiation sickness from external exposure. However, it can lead to an increased incidence of cancer if ingested in a purified form. It has a limited number of commercial uses and exposure is usually occupational. It is ubiquitous in the environment and humans naturally ingest a small but safe dose of it on a daily basis. Thorium at Wikipedia
- Thorium is a chemical element with symbol Th and atomic number 90. A radioactive actinide metal, thorium is one of only four radioactive elements that still occur in quantity in nature as a primordial element (the other three being Bi , Pu , and U ). It was discovered in 1828 by the Norwegian mineralogist Morten Thrane Esmark and identified by the Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, the Norse god of thunder.
- Das Metall Thorium ist ein Element mit dem chemischen Symbol Th. Es besitzt jeweils 90 Protonen und Elektronen. 2370 lagern Thorium-Isotope in Frachtraum 6 auf Deep Space 9. Als der Kreis die Station besetzt, lockt Dr. Bashir eine Patrouille in eine Falle in genau diesen Frachtraum. Er warnt sie dabei vor den Thorium-Isotopen, da eine Berührung fatale Folgen hat. (DS9: ) Der Maquis versucht im gleichen Jahr eine Kobalt-Thorium-Bombe zu produzieren. (DS9: )
- Thorium can be smelted into Thorium Bars. In addition to its inherent strength, Alchemists and Enchanters can further improve on Thorium to allow for the creation of more powerful items. This rare metal combines the weight of lead with the strength of steel. Orcs prize it for weapons because the extra weight allows a skilled user to strike with more force. Thorium armor is amazingly heavy and strong — only adamantite pierces it with any degree of reliability. Thorium is heavier than most metals. An item made from thorium weighs twice as much as the same item made from other metals.
- Thorium can be smelted into Thorium Bars. In addition to its inherent strength, Alchemists and Enchanters can further improve on Thorium to allow for the creation of more powerful items. This rare metal combines the weight of lead with the strength of steel. Orcs prize it for weapons because the extra weight allows a skilled user to strike with more force. Thorium armor is amazingly heavy and strong — only adamantite pierces it with any degree of reliability. Thorium is heavier than most metals. An item made from thorium weighs twice as much as the same item made from other metals.WoWRPG 194