| - the Sable dormouse - a carnivorous species of rodent size slightly larger than a cat, and a similar physique to a marten. its is Head elongated, the jaw can be opened wide. The ears are wide, pointed. animal activity mostly twilight and night, so the eyes are large and sable sony "light" for nocturnal animals characteristic way. The feet are relatively short, so the beast can not long pursue prey: normally sleepy sable hides prey from ambush, or is approaching it as closely as possible. But on all paws developed sharp claws. The tail is long (about half the total length of the beast), strong but without the luxury of pubescence, typical for this kind of ancestor. In females at the end of the tail has a white tassel, in males it is not present, or it is significantly smaller. Stained brown
| - the Sable dormouse - a carnivorous species of rodent size slightly larger than a cat, and a similar physique to a marten. its is Head elongated, the jaw can be opened wide. The ears are wide, pointed. animal activity mostly twilight and night, so the eyes are large and sable sony "light" for nocturnal animals characteristic way. The feet are relatively short, so the beast can not long pursue prey: normally sleepy sable hides prey from ambush, or is approaching it as closely as possible. But on all paws developed sharp claws. The tail is long (about half the total length of the beast), strong but without the luxury of pubescence, typical for this kind of ancestor. In females at the end of the tail has a white tassel, in males it is not present, or it is significantly smaller. Stained brown fur, with blurred black spots forming a discontinuous longitudinal rows. The animals that inhabit the southern steppes, wool is much paler - straw-yellow with beige spots. The abdomen, chest and throat are white, white males "dickey" wider and brighter than the females. Sable dormise perfectly climb trees, and thanks to the small size cleverly sneaks through the thick bush. It preys on various animals, from insects to large harelopes. They can get it, like the marten, jumping to the selected production from the branches of the tree or shrub. Jumping on the victim's head and biting the carotid artery as sable or marten, the rodent can kill prey much larger than themselves. Typically, eating as much as you can eat, sable Sonia does not return to the old mining twice. Sable dormice live in natural shelters on the ground or in trees. Sometimes they occupy the burrows of rodents. Predatory tendencies left their mark on the family life of the animal: sable sony steel single unsociable animals. A group of several animals - it is always a female with cubs. Male, living alone, and sometimes, to mate with a female, might just kill her cubs. The offspring of these rodents are born twice a year, in late spring and mid-summer. One female brings several cubs - 6 - 7 in the litter. They are born naked and blind, covered with hair at 10 days of age, start to leave the nest to months of age. Two-month cubs are transferred to the active independent life, and the female is ready to mate again. Sometimes she mates with a male, more nurturing the previous brood. Brush the tail serves as a means of communication with the female offspring: while movement in the grass family cubs instinctively follow the white tip of the tail of the female. In the winter sable dormouse usually active, but with a lack of production may briefly go into hibernation, especially during the cold winter. another species of this genus includes the Mountain dormouse (Raptoglis chinchilloides) .